
Active Member
Hi all, every time it rains on the left hand side of the passenger foot well water leeks in i have looked and put the hosepipe on but cannot see where its coming in , is there a drain pipe in that area, any thoughts. :confused::confused:
Sun roof drains, aircon drains, pollen filter drains blocked and pollen filter covers leaking for starters.
Make sure you've got some silicon seal around the cabin filter covers. Also, the little screw just towards the windscreen from them (holding the plastic at the bottom of the windscreen down), put some silicon over the head of that.

I had the same and someone else posted the screw fix - it worked a treat for me.
Mine used to leak in the same spot, just putting silicon round the cover didn't work, I had to take the scuttle panel apart and silicon up the intake box. If you take it apart it's pretty obvious. I'll try and find the link to the diy on
Mine used to leak in the same spot, just putting silicon round the cover didn't work, I had to take the scuttle panel apart and silicon up the intake box. If you take it apart it's pretty obvious. I'll try and find the link to the diy on
I had to do that too, and I cleared the drain channel at the same time:)
Make sure you've got some silicon seal around the cabin filter covers. Also, the little screw just towards the windscreen from them (holding the plastic at the bottom of the windscreen down), put some silicon over the head of that.

I had the same and someone else posted the screw fix - it worked a treat for me.

+1 the screw. Do both sides.

ohh i missed the screw! makes sence why mine started to leak now just after a new windscreen was put in

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