
New Member
hi could some one please help the last owner of my discovery just chopped through the radio wires, im trying to wire in a new radio and cant for the life of me get the thing to work..
would be good if someone could take a pic of the radio wires that would go int an iso block so i could try to conect radio

The wiring will depend on the year of your disco. Have a look in the Haynes manual as there are wiring diagrams for both.
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Then you will have a bit more work proving the feeds with your multimeter for your replacement headunit.

You will require a permanant live, ignition switch live that's in one iso block, (iirc the black one), and loudspeakers are in the other iso block.
I assume u have the diagram that comes with you headunit.
got the block that came with new radio the original wires behind the radio that was in the motor had just been cut no block so i dont know what they are as in colours to what or where ??? totally butchered that why i could do with a pic

been looking at all the post nout here seems to cover it
I had the same issue

Reason was mine is a Jap import and has an amp hidden away in the passenger footwell. The wires had to be fed from the headunit and bypass the amp.

I have a thread on here somwhere, where i posted the pics
hi fingle just gorn through your post cant find pics sure mine not an inport,really need a pic of someone elses aftermarket wiring so i can sus what wire from the landy loom gose to where i got speaker wires sorted it the power sometimes radio just flicks on fo a split sec then nout so its got to b a power issue
Get you multimeter out and test :)
You want a pic how about my birds nest. :D


  • 009.JPG
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sorry it took so long...

The strippy 8 wires are all at 1 end (on this connector atleast) they are the speaker wires (grey, white, green and purple)
The blue are usually 5v? out
The red is you constant live
The yellow Is the ignition live
The black is the earth
not sure what the brown is on this one.

The red and yellow are sometimes the other way around... depending on the car.
Evening chaps im in the process of swapping my old pioneer CD changer Cd player to a different aftermarket one.
has anybody followed the link posted above before ?
i didn't know if the part where it says
car radio battery constant 12v+ wire light = wire : green / orange
car radio accessory switched 12v+ = wire : violet
was the wright way around ? on my 300tdi its the other was around ?? Im experiencing my stereo getting very hot. any ideas? i also have a blue and yellow wire that I'm not sure what it does.
any ideas
Light green/orange is the ignition switched supply from the accessory relay to the head unit and sub amp, there’s also a purple/yellow supply from the head unit to the sub amplifier, then all that’s left is the head units permanent 12v supply and a supply for the head unit illumination.

Its a few years since I replaced the crappy factory fitted Phillips head unit and Multi CD player for my Pioneer system so. I suggest you prove what I say above is correct with your meter/test lamp, and also find what condition is on the end of the blue/yellow wire.
My car is a UK spec so I don't believe it has a amp.
I have it wired
Yellow ISO wire to purple
wire to light green and orange.
I don't know why the stereo is getting hot any ideas?

Light green/orange is the ignition switched supply from the accessory relay to the head unit and sub amp, there’s also a purple/yellow supply from the head unit to the sub amplifier, then all that’s left is the head units permanent 12v supply and a supply for the head unit illumination.

Its a few years since I replaced the crappy factory fitted Phillips head unit and Multi CD player for my Pioneer system so. I suggest you prove what I say above is correct with your meter/test lamp, and also find what condition is on the end of the blue/yellow wire.
My car is a UK spec so I don't believe it has a amp.
I have it wired
Yellow ISO wire to purple
wire to light green and orange.
I don't know why the stereo is getting hot any ideas?

Nope, other than the head unit is faulty and the case is part of the electrical earth path, but head units have an amplifier therefore amps get warm but not excessively.

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