it you have the original clarion unit, you just need 2 x 2 1/2inch round wire nails, push them in the 2 holes nearly all the way in, the radio will then slide straight probs
It's not a Clarion with round holes, it has 2 flat slits at the top. I have keys for the round ones. I drilled holes in the side where it say's on RR net, I'm dammed is I can see the O ring screw or any way of reaching it from there which is why I want the radio out.
I tried junior hacksaw blades to no effect, jigsaw blades too thick, but if it's just a piece of flat metal that's needed, I'm sure I can find something. I thought it was some kind of hook.
Thanks for the answers. I'll have another go later today. When the "O" rings are done that just leaves the headlining and the gearbox to do:rolleyes:
Hiya, If its the alpine unit I have the keys and happy to lend them out :)

Data - I owe you one anyway, PM me your address if you'd like to borrow them and I'll send them over.


Datateck - it seems you are havinga rough time with your P38 sorry to hear this- try the link below
Heater Core O-Ring Replacement

I found this very useful - got extra set of "o" ring just incase & changed the temp sensor - that said I did cut out the air duct and put back with duck tape to help with access - in facttook longer to cut duct than do the job - anoth pair of hands help when reassembling pipes back to keep square holding from engine bay - did not need to remove radio
Datateck - it seems you are havinga rough time with your P38 sorry to hear this- try the link below
Heater Core O-Ring Replacement

I found this very useful - got extra set of "o" ring just incase & changed the temp sensor - that said I did cut out the air duct and put back with duck tape to help with access - in facttook longer to cut duct than do the job - anoth pair of hands help when reassembling pipes back to keep square holding from engine bay - did not need to remove radio

Already got that info. Don't know if the late P38 has a different heater core but that info is of little help, the "O" ring screw is too far over to be accessable which is why I want the radio out:mad:
Hiya, If its the alpine unit I have the keys and happy to lend them out :)

Data - I owe you one anyway, PM me your address if you'd like to borrow them and I'll send them over.



There is no branding on the head unit, no idea what it is but I'm sure it's original. Not had time to look today. I'll keep you in mind if I don't get to the big hammer stage first:eek: thanks for the offer:)




Mine was the Alpine, and got it out using one stereo key at a time, and fingers in the tape deck pulling like Jimmy Saville at a Brownies camp...
Right, thanks for all the offers of help, I finally ripped the fecker out complete with the mounting box, it then became obvious why it would not come out even after I made up a couple of release keys. The part of the catches the the release key pushes down has been broken off, probably by the cretin that fitted the mobile phone stuff for the previous owner.
Removing the radio was no help with the "O" rings but removing the switch binnacle was as there is a hole that gave me sight of the screw. One bit of good luck is that the screw was loose, so no wonder the joint was leaking, nice and easy to get out and replaced with a socket head. Just got to put it all back together now and get the air out.
Thanks again all.
Some ham fisted bugger has been in there before me, virtually every plastic mount is broken on the binnacle etc. Luckily the parts on my spares dog are all in good nick.
Anyone ever swapped just the speedo? Markings for KM are much clearer on the old one, can't swap the whole unit due to the higher mileage on the old one.

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