gary has

I’ve just changed the injector loom, in the process I disconnected the battery and now I have no radio thought the code was in the handbook, turns out it was the wrong code, is there an easy way without using a main steeler of getting the code or making it work? it’s the C42, fitted in a D2 td5 cheers guys
I’ve just changed the injector loom, in the process I disconnected the battery and now I have no radio thought the code was in the handbook, turns out it was the wrong code, is there an easy way without using a main steeler of getting the code or making it work? it’s the C42, fitted in a D2 td5 cheers guys

Some times the code is on the radio, if it has been changed the stealers won't have the right one, unless they changed it ...
Not all dealerships charge... just show them the v5 to prove it’s your car. I paid for an on-line code finder. Took a couple of hours to come back to me. It’s not automated, so somebody needs to be at the other end of the internet to find it for you.
Thanks again guys all sorted, went through a load of hassle on line giving vin numbers and £23 Saturday night, came back with a code, tried it this morning, no good, so did what I should have done first and took out the radio (well pulled it out as far as I could) and Dippypud, you were right, written on the radio was the code, all up and running, a successful weekend, note to self try the obvious first
Thanks again guys all sorted, went through a load of hassle on line giving vin numbers and £23 Saturday night, came back with a code, tried it this morning, no good, so did what I should have done first and took out the radio (well pulled it out as far as I could) and Dippypud, you were right, written on the radio was the code, all up and running, a successful weekend, note to self try the obvious first
Now go and write the security code down on your vehicle documentation, otherwise next time you have to disconnect the battery you'll be back in the same boat again. :D
@gary has - sorry regards the online recommendation... worked out for me otherwise i’d not have recommend. Glad you got there in the end. Seems a bit daft having the code on the asset it’s suppossd to be protecting from theft though!
Seems a bit daft having the code on the asset it’s suppossd to be protecting from theft though!
True, but having thought about it, I can't remember the last time I heard of a car radio being nicked.
@gary has - sorry regards the online recommendation... worked out for me otherwise i’d not have recommend
Hey Gj1, not a problem, it was me that was dumb, should have gone the obvious route to start with, oh and Brian, it is now most certainly written down, and a photo on the phone, as I couldn’t get the radio completely out, so had to take a picture from the underside, JUST managed to see the code,god knows how I’ll get it out if I have to change it, but hey ho cross that bridge later

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