
Active Member
I need to replace my standard radio aerial as the top section has gone walkabouts - shouldn't be too much of a problem but just in case there were a few tips to be had, I searched various forums for advice.

Have I understood this correctly - that the existing lead (coax) can be cut (in the engine compartment) to prevent having to thread a new one up to the radio and then joined to the new aerial lead using off the shelf plugs?

Hope that's clear.
the more joins the more can go wrong. damp ingress etc. I would just make the effort to feed a complete cable in just to save me kicking myself when I get a load of static due to a rushed job and a corroded connector.
can't say much more on the job as I have a D1 not a fender so wouldn't know the exact details of the job but I have just done mine and it was fairly simple to modify one into place of the old one then feed the cable through
As above, from experience, cutting and joining just leads (no pun intended) to more problems down the line. Take a bit longer and rerun.

Sorry to highjack, but where is the original aerial point?!? I've got a 2001 defender and mine just looks like the whip off an old school radio and it's tucked behind my roof lining and pokes out the back! I can only get radio 2
I taped string to the old cable at the radio end of the old cable and pulled it through into the engine compartment, the used the string to pull the new cable back to the radio.
Hope that helps
Thanks guys for the replies which are much appreciated - yes, I'll do it the proper way having listened to you.

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