
New Member
awright folks

Ive been away up north doing some beating and ive came back to my house for a restock, but on comeing back my temps where a bit high in the engine bay, on looking at it most of the fins are away on the radiator, the temp went up to about just bellow the red ,never above it ,do you think i whould be ok to travel back up and then back down again with it like this? im a bit iffy about driveing it like this thou and have been trying to get myself a radiator today but no joy,so this is another ple to anyone out there that has a decent spare radiator thay might wana sell to me ,,,,,,,the keeper chould realy do with me for the weekend even better if i chould make it up tomorow ,so any help you folks can give id appreciate very very much.

thanks folks


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