Stick an Alan in there G

And give it a good whack with a big 'ammer ;)

Shock it loose!!

constant pressure will strip it..

funny enough I thought of using my cordless drill , set onto hammer with the clutch set low so it slips and on reverse so hopefully the vibration will help loosen it , always worries me hitting aluminium too hard

but think a few gentle taps first certainly won’t hurt , got some small tools to go into the dremel as I want to clean it all up first , particularly round the edges, also got some small wire brush attachments for it

useto have great success with boilers removing old plugs using the cordless drill set on hammer
funny enough I thought of using my cordless drill , set onto hammer with the clutch set low so it slips and on reverse so hopefully the vibration will help loosen it , always worries me hitting aluminium too hard

but think a few gentle taps first certainly won’t hurt , got some small tools to go into the dremel as I want to clean it all up first , particularly round the edges, also got some small wire brush attachments for it

useto have great success with boilers removing old plugs using the cordless drill set on hammer
tap the plug first
funny enough I thought of using my cordless drill , set onto hammer with the clutch set low so it slips and on reverse so hopefully the vibration will help loosen it , always worries me hitting aluminium too hard

but think a few gentle taps first certainly won’t hurt , got some small tools to go into the dremel as I want to clean it all up first , particularly round the edges, also got some small wire brush attachments for it

useto have great success with boilers removing old plugs using the cordless drill set on hammer

I gave my alan a whack with a 10lb hammer ;)

came loose!

i've done that to several without ill effect ;)
tap the plug first

will indeed give it a few taps first , will ensure it’s also cleaned up first , fingers crossed it comes out, alas dont know when it was last removed , seeing the service schedule quote is sealed for life
Plus never forget this when a poor soul dropped is landy into a garage and they done this

i can see that but any replacement is impossible without splitting

Once the search feature is back up and running will try and find the thread for the full story

unless the original poster sees it

sorry that’s not much help
plus 1, before I’ve used a dremel on other filler plugs , cut a slot then knocked it round , along with some gentle heat

also reminds me I need to get my auto filler out on the ZF6, don’t think it’s been removed for a long time, will use the dremel first to clean it up then see if it moves, new filler plug is the flange type , shame the drain plug is plastic

View attachment 198930

That will come, bet its bloody tight though!

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