
Hi all, moved the truck today after neen unused for a day or two and it wouldnt go in to gear, seemed like the lever was stuck.
Had a little tussle and managed to get going, drove it around and it happened again feels like its locked up any way 10-15 min of driving round and selecting gears and it all seemed fine now.
Anyone had this happen to them and is it an indication of a bigger problem?


Ill have a look tomorrow but just been out again and no sign of any problems at all?
Seems odd that it would have a problem then it disappears, plus its just been in the garage last week for some work and theyve checked it over for any issues.
I had this happen to my R380 back in June 2017 when turning round in a residential road outside a friend's house. It stuck in 1st and the lever couldn't be moved. Neither could the transfer box. It was as if there was some sort of tension in the transmission that prevented anything moving. Fortunately I was running an overdrive unit at that time and this could be put in neutral and once the tension was released the gears changed as normal. The gearbox lasted a few more years without the problem showing up again until it became very noisy and was eventually replaced with an exchange unit in February 2021.
Well ive been using it for the last 2 days and no issues at all!?!?
Bizzare. ill have the garage look it over see if they have any ideas.


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