
Well-Known Member
as above & im typing with sad news im afraid, i had regular contact with dave (ex class mate fellow lz member age 47) up until jan this year,tried contacting him to no avail then out the blue today i had a call from his wife for some new tyres to be fitted on her car. she had obtained my number from his phone contacts which led to the sad news. obviously shes still very upset & said dave passed away suddenly in january this year after suffering a stroke (no symptoms/no warnings). he leaves a widow & young son maybe age 2/3 at a guess. rip m8 god bless
Massive shame, He was a good guy with a great sense of humour and knowledge, from the few interactions we had....He especially liked the 'Underpigeon' and posted a few 'horrors' he had found....
Very sad. A Rangie chap from the W Mids somewhere.

Tried to sell up a few times iirc but had trouble letting his p38 go.

Condolences to family and friends.

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