Memory map is free as are all the maps!! If you know where to look / who to ask :D :D
The system maybe free but the maps aren't.

At £1.89+vat per 10x10km tile it isn't going to be that cheap.

Mapyx QUO - The Essential GB Mapping Software

But you can get the 1:50,000 Landranger map tiles for £0.92. Each of these cover 40km x 40km. These are what most people use for route finding and navigation and at 40km x 40km you wouldn't need that many.

Mapyx QUO - The Essential GB Mapping Software

Anyway putting costs aside, has anyone actually used this software and is it any good???
Just got MM Pro V5.1.3 build 716 with patches for early maps .. ;)
Just downloaded and tried Quo.

Not good. I have the whole country in qct (Memory Map) format in 50 and 25k maps as well as most of France, ireland and other stuff, A-Z's, road maps etc etc and it works pretty intuitively. Quo doesn't read them .....

So I had to try just the demo version, and the demo maps but it doesn't zoom out very far so you can't get an overall view of a route. It seemed awkward changing maps as it has it's own naming system, referring to tile numbers rather than areas or Nat Grid references which seems odd. It didn't seem to offer any more than MM even for free .. ;)

Then I went to the shop and to get what I have, or indeed to get what I use would cost me a fortune. For all the MM qct maps I actually use I also have a paper map as well. Must admit that all of my paper maps are simply not used now at all.

All in all not worth it in my opinion.
Just downloaded and tried Quo.

Not good. I have the whole country in qct (Memory Map) format in 50 and 25k maps as well as most of France, ireland and other stuff, A-Z's, road maps etc etc and it works pretty intuitively. Quo doesn't read them .....

So I had to try just the demo version, and the demo maps but it doesn't zoom out very far so you can't get an overall view of a route. It seemed awkward changing maps as it has it's own naming system, referring to tile numbers rather than areas or Nat Grid references which seems odd. It didn't seem to offer any more than MM even for free .. ;)

Then I went to the shop and to get what I have, or indeed to get what I use would cost me a fortune. For all the MM qct maps I actually use I also have a paper map as well. Must admit that all of my paper maps are simply not used now at all.

All in all not worth it in my opinion.

Thanks for the feedback Paul, having never used MM I was interested in seeing how this compared, mainly as the pricing is attractive - you can get the 1:50K maps for whole of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset for around £15 which would serve my needs.

I think i'll have another look at MM.
I don't mind paying, if the price is fair.

Also I understand that MM are cracking down on the non-licenced versions, they have some novel solution that when a non-licenced version is detected, it is reset to being a trial version only, meaning you cannot access your map data!
That's just the same as any software .. you just don't update it on the internet! Microsoft have been doing it for ages ... ;)

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