the wheels int flat they is tapered and they have a slighty bigger track than the track so that they can move across the rails(slighty). so you end up wiff a bigger rolling dia on the outside rail compared to the smaller rolling dia on the inside one
the wheels int flat they is tapered and they have a slighty bigger track than the track so that they can move across the rails(slighty). so you end up wiff a bigger rolling dia on the outside rail compared to the smaller rolling dia on the inside one

I was just abart to say either...
a: tapered wheels - fink its called "coning"
b: on rails.

depending on the interpretation of ya Q
Yes, if you drink ethylene glycol (which will kill you quickly) the best thing is to drink any form of ethanol. In this case Vodka is the answer although any sort of booze will do :)

The quack will inject with 5% ethanol solution into your veins. This will sort out the methanol and formaldehyde which otherwise will kill your kidneys.
On that basis, why does a motorbike not fall over when going round a corner?

The outside bit of the tread goes around faster than the inside bit of the tread. This pushes the tyre towards the inside of the corner. Well, that's what they say.

Also, which way do you turn the handlebars when going around a left-hand corner on a bike?
The answer to the first question is "not enough". I knew the answer to the third question, Yes I did then. The answer to the third question is Nowt, the doctor dunt want to be dealing with a ****ed up idiot, as opposed to an idiot with antifreeze in him. The answer to the fourth question is "centrifugal force and grip" as soon as you loose either it will fall over. Incidentally if you tweak the bars the opposite way when going into a bend (as in speedway bikes) you will get round it quicker and it's more fun. The answer to the fifth question is "a bucket under the table" now tell me what the question is.
Oh well, it's an obvious catch question. Like how long is a piece of string? Or which weighs the most? a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? etc.

The question to the fifth question is....

Where do you keep your false teeth?
I dunno what it is, it was on the Kenny Everett radio show years ago "And here's the answer to last weeks question, One. A bucket under the table"

A bit like:-

1st man. "good god man look at that"
2nd man. "What"
1st man. "That over there in those bushes"
2nd man. "Good god man look at that"
1st man. "What"
2nd man. "That over there in those bushes"
1st man. "Good god man look at that"
Etc etc etc.

Well I thought he was funny.
There's no such thing as centrifugal force. There's centripetal force, which acts towards the centre of the arc that a moving object is describing and stops it flying off in a straight line. If you remove the centripetal force, the object will go off at at tangent to the arc and not perpendicular to it, which is what you would expect to happen if centrifugal force actually existed.
Nope - it may by 26 years ago, but I can still remember some of the stuff I did at University!
So when I was a small boy at the seaside and swung a bucket full of water round, every one was lying to me when they said it was centrifugal force that kept the water in the bucket?..................................Gulp.......................blub.....................................I think I'm going to need some sort of therapy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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