Hi Guys,

so, its raining, a lot! and my sunroof has finally started to leak.

I haven't got the time to take the lining out and do a proper fix at the moment.

Is there any temporary fixes I could apply in the meantime?

I was thinking maybe smear some Vaseline around the edge of the sunroof, or maybe some ductape (but worried if I go the tape root that it'll pull the paint off when i take it off).

Has any 1 got any suggestions?

Where is the water coming in ? Do you know is the sunroof for sure ..on mine the windscreen leaked and the guttering also I sealed around the sun roof just to be sure but the roof bars are also suspect so I sealed the roof rack spacers.
Popular leak sources:

Driver's side top external gutter on the corner joint, take the corner trim off and have a look.

Out of sight, there is a body panel join that you can't see with everything on the car, but the join is behind/below the windscreen wiper cover and is fairly awkward to get to. It leaks water into the driver's footwell. Mine was literally a hole where the panels met but hadn't been properly welded up. Squirted some Sikaflex down there and moulded it in place.

Roof bar feet - these don't bolt to the roof but to an internal subframe. The foam sealing pad is not compressed enough to seal properly. Mine had washers to pack the joint out!

Sunroofs - the body seal is a 5mm diameter bit of sealing string, woefully inadequate and always leaks.

Drain trays - already covered, but the Torx screws holding the sunroof together will leak water from under their heads if the tray gets any amount of water. B&Q 'drain tap washers' do the job, fit under the heads of the screws.

Haven't seen a broken drain pipe spigot yet, but the sealing of the plastic assembly to the tray left a lot to be desired.

the water is defo coming in through the sunroof, it drips off the sunroof winder ... also, the headlining started to show wet patches where the passenger would hold onto the handle above the door (i guess this could be leaky roof bars), I will have a good look this weekend, but so far there's been no water since putting vaseline round sunroof frame

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