I use my jate rings with the recovery strap attached directly to them with a larks foot hitch dunno if that's right. I don't snatch, just straight pull.
I use my jate rings with the recovery strap attached directly to them with a larks foot hitch dunno if that's right. I don't snatch, just straight pull.
Ha ha! had to google that and as I thought it's the most pretentious way using the least word to say loop it back through itself:):p
Forces of hundreds of tons can be imposed on tow points. Incorrect use of stripe over the correct recovery ropes will
Impose instant high loads and have been known to rip off mounts and all sorts.
A rope will spread the weight over a longer period as it has some give and this can and will aid extraction.

Jate rings you buy from paddocks ect with a bridal and rated shackles will be fine.

People have moaned and moaned about tow balls not being rated. Well I can confirm that we use them for team recovery and with decent rated mounts they are more than adaquate
Recovery strap?

Only know of one that is use and that's a pro comp advertised as semi

If your using a lifting strop/strap unless you take the slack up and then drive away they're crap. Even the you will not be able to extract anything that's too stuck.They will impose massive loads if you use any run up whixh can rip off tow mounts and hurt occupants backs.

Using a proper rope or even a pro comp strap helps massively to get stuck vehicles by using the weight of the tow vehicle and makes the recovery effortless. Less damage caused to the drive train of the towing vehicle. Using one Jate ring I have often but the chassis needs to be absolutely sound having both fitted at the front and a std rear tow point will help recovery by utilising the best angles for safe easy extraction.
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