
hi all, can i have some help please ?
i have a mk 1 disco that i just bought (my first one) but i have a few probs and im hoping you experts out there can help me ?

first of all ive just put new pads on but didn't renew the old rusty (nearly non existent )springs! would that make the new pads rattle a little ?

next one - i tried to renew the discs but after un doing the two nuts that hold the pipe to the top of the brake caliper, it started to **** oil out ??? (whats all that about) so i did them up again and went no further with the discs! (it didnt do that for the bloke on the vid on utube lol)

my heater blower only works on number 1 ??

the rear door doesn't open on the central locking (i have to open it with the key)?

when i turn the wheel it makes a kind of hum noise, is that the steering pump ? or maybe something needs oiling ?

when i reverse up hill (i have an automatic by the way) it takes a few revs before it starts to move, is this normal ?

and finally.....should the letters and numbers on the automatic gear lever not be lit up at night so you can see them ? mine isn't ?

hope someone can help me with some or all of these questions ? i would appreciate it very much.....cheers :)
The surround around the gear lever pops off (carefully, small screwdriver tabs front and back) in there u will find 2 bulbs, one for each side these light the letters from beneath 1.2 volt if I remember right.
1/ If the pads don't rattle then don't worry about it.
2/ From memory (a few years ago) that top bolt you undone is also the top pivot for the cv joint so undoing it moved the chrome ball away from the seal. The same happened to me, but I can't remember how I got round it.
3/ Can't help you with the blower I'm afraid, but as it works I guess it's more likely to be the switch rather than the motor brushes.
4/ the humming noise is normal, mine does it as well.
5/ Try removing the door card and lubricating every joint and pivot you can find in the mechanism.
6/ Auto diesels are not the quickest vehicle ever built. Your truck sounds typical.
7/ When you get used the auto box you won't look at it anyway, so the lack of letter illumination will not be an issue.

Sounds like you got yourself a nice fixer upper Disco there :D

We like pics on here :D

my heater blower only works on number 1 ??

when i turn the wheel it makes a kind of hum noise, is that the steering pump ? or maybe something needs oiling ?

Heater-could be a new heater matrix

what size tyres do you have mine only make a noise when on full lock as are slightly too big. if its always making a noise would say power steering pump on way out, but steering would poss feel heavier...??:welcome2:
steering does feel bit heavy ? but ive never had a disco b4 so not sure ?don't think its matrix as hot air comes through on hot and cold on cold, just blowers wont work on 2,3 and 4 ?
Could be the resistors or the switch on the blower. I would bet it's resistors.

As for the power steering, unless you have issues I would say it's probably OK. Mine hums a little on my current setup and apart from one Landy I have owned they have all done the same. It might feel heavy depending on what you are used to, but remember that this is a bog 'ole car and the tyres are pretty big too.

The back door only opening on the key will be the little spring for the locking mechanism which keeps the lock button up when unlocked. Not a hard job to fix but it is a little fiddly.

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