Hurrah, something I can answer definitively!

TDI = Turbocharged Direct Injection...

I allus thought it was Turbo deesil intercooler, or have I missed something has there been a secret meeting of the famous five?
From what I remember, if its a capital 'I', it stands for 'Intercooler', if its a lower case 'i', it stands for injection. In reality, the manufacturers probaly just call any turbo diesel TDI/TDi etc., not really caring what the I stands for ;)
From what I remember, if its a capital 'I', it stands for 'Intercooler', if its a lower case 'i', it stands for injection. In reality, the manufacturers probaly just call any turbo diesel TDI/TDi etc., not really caring what the I stands for ;)

ah can't see how they'd call it turbo doosul injection seeing as how yer hard pushed to find a doosul that int injection. but a turbo direct injection aye ,, ah can go wiff that.
tanks fer the replies

post script:
shut up! bonny faggot we dunt wanna hear about yer dual fuel variable compresssion spark ignition doosul rotary injun!
slob,were u surprised when Adz gave u the right answer ? U gonna change ur vote on the 'Adz a **** poll' ? Silly question really...........u dont give a **** !

I was still hungover from Sunday night this afternoon... stand by my vote though... but then I've been in the pub since about 8 :p
Seasons Greetings-------- to you blobby slobby see the lobotomy isnt starting to kick in too badly----- yet. I just love your compliments about me.Pity Adz stole your thunder by answering correctly. That Indian you wanted a mag for What model and year?. The nutters on my planet tell me it must be an early one as all later ones were battery powered. In the bogs when a mag wouldnt spark they would take it off and put it in the bottom of a warm oven leave it for a while to dry off all that scotch mist. If that didnt work and its been sitting for a long time try recharging magnets. Here on planet Zannusi if that dosnt work its serious Probably a breakdown in the shellaced insulation in the windings. If you need further assistance just ask in your usual nice way. Oh by the way dont put it in the microwave magnetos dont like them . Hair dryer would probably be the best. MOISTURE IS NOT KIND TO ELDERLY MACHINERY, Humans to come to think of it.-----BB
oh miniman it am too tired to try and make sense of that lot...
is there a dealer in the house??

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