
Well-Known Member
My simple restoration is throwing up no end of issues but coming along....

I have however found something today I thought I would ask about:

I took out the passenger seat in order to weld a patch in the battery box and paint it outside and in but once the seat was out I found this:


These are the two bolts for the passenger seat belt. They actually go through the tub into a rail attached to the chassis which is absolutely sound. The rot appears to be restricted to the aluminium alone and I think it is probably because it is in contact with the steel chassis.

My first idea would be to clean it back, put some kind of barrier between the chassis top and an aluminium patch riveted into place then paint it.

Is this the best way to fix this? Not checked the drivers side yet but the middle seat belt bolt areas are fine.
Quick search, a member did the same repair a year or so ago

Excellent, I will have a look. Didn't think to search as it seemed such a one off repair but I suppose everything has broken for someone at some point.
Look on my 90 rebuild thread, I got some aluminium welding wire and welded on some new plate to the bottom.
Look on my 90 rebuild thread, I got some aluminium welding wire and welded on some new plate to the bottom.

I actually have reels of stainless and aluminium wire plus the relevant gases which I got when I bought my welder but haven't tried using it yet. To be honest I'm not that good with a welder yet, this is basically becoming my rebuild thread with examples of my welding >

I'm not too bad with fresh steel sat on my bench but just about good enough to get the job done otherwise...... I'll probably get much better now that I own a Landrover though :D A friend's brother is helping my with the more complex stuff (he's Landrover mad) and he's a professional welder so hopefully he can give me some tips.
i repaired the same on mine with 3mm ally plate riveted and bonded.

I Cut out all the rotten ally, then drilled the plate and landy to accept the rivets, Gave a nice bead of PU sealant and adhesive, riveted on left to dry and bolted up
i repaired the same on mine with 3mm ally plate riveted and bonded.

I Cut out all the rotten ally, then drilled the plate and landy to accept the rivets, Gave a nice bead of PU sealant and adhesive, riveted on left to dry and bolted up

Many thanks, that confirms my plan then. Just wanted to double check.

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