Morning folks,

I finally got a window on saturday to replace the various engine bits on my recently acquired freelander 1.
So I replaced the air filter, renewed the crankcase breather (which was in decent nick) and I blanked off the EGR valve.
Question is, I have an automatic gearbox and I have the EGR valve cooler fitted. Do I still need to try an blank off the exhaust manifold pipe or does blanking off the cooler pipe serve the same purpose?
The kit I bought has both sets of blanking plates.....hopefully its an either or situation?
Can anyone confirm this for me?

By the way, after cleaning out the inlet manifold and refitting the other bits and pieces, the engine is much smoother without any lag and seems to be pulling much better in lower did have a tendency to feel like it was almost stalling prior to this....

thanks in advance if this is a daft question......

Thats perfect, same sort of thing really, this one had the penny off the stick. All good then, no drama.
As I said, its running fine (touch wood) and its going for new tyres tomorrow. Pleased with it so far. Not as much room as a P38, but its much more economical!

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