Oh, now you mention it, I went back to your original posting, and noticed the time-stamp on it. Sorry, I should have checked how old the original posting was. Must've had too much on my mind or tired to notice.

And that's a great photo of your dog, nice dog.

Recycling is the future :D
Dog guard will go from the D3 to the D4.
Straight swap for it.
alfie lies down on his bed and goes to sleep, always has done since the start.

So you understand the difficulty with the guard shape for a sitting dog. Beardies are a very lively and energetic breed! They just sit and observe everything, choosing not to sleep if there is any chance of a walk or run. I sometimes wonder if they are just mentally writing everything down ready for a test at the end of the day. :rolleyes::) One barks outside when playing and chasing, the other never barks, except when he is asleep! This is the first dog I have ever had which does not bark.:)
I have to say, the discos boot is massive.
Alfie never has any issues with it.
He’s a big lab and can lie any way he lies in comfort.

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