Not fussed where he sits in the house either!


Hehe i do love his fringe :D is he feeling better now?
Yeah, right as rain now cheers, mate.

He'll be back out with us on our next laning trip providing it's not too hot in the car.
Been taking him out every day now for short drives, beginning to settle down in the car.
Have made a point of every trip so far being to see someone so he think's that car trips will be fun.
What do you do with your dogs? Other ideas welcome as he's only 9 weeks old so want to make his car journey experiences something he will look forward to rather than fear.

I don't have a dog, well I did have a Jack Russell but that was the ex-wife's and she took the dog with her when she moved out.

Remember that dogs are like humans, each dogs have their own ways, as well as the fact that a puppy will grow to larger size.

My advice is: You will have to find ways to improvise and make adjustments over the many months, until you found a way that it really suited for your dog. I mean, you set it up, do a test drive, if your dog is not happy, in fear, then you'll have to change things around. Once you found out your dog is fine and well or is very pleased, is safer, and not scared of a car journey, then you will have found the suitable set up.

Like Clint Eastwood said in the movie Hearthbreak Ridge...

When I picked my wee one up from York - (6 hour drive), I was in the motorhome. He was in a crate on the floor and my older one (only by 10 months) was travelling on the side bed - not allowed on furniture except in MH where it is easier for us if he is out of the way. I had been warned by the breeder that the pup had been travel sick when she took the litter to the vet so I had plenty of towels on hand. On the journey, I stopped for me and hubby to have a coffee and the dogs had a wee pee before being putting back in the van. When we returned to the van the two dogs had already made friends and the big 'un was sitting on the floor next to the crate. So much for travel sickness - no sign!
Next day I took both out in the car for the normal dog perambulation by the river. Wee dog sick after two minutes. This went on for several weeks with me buying a larger crate as he got bigger and putting it in different places in the car, covered in case it was motion that was causing the problem and , uncovered and so on. Still sick. This went on from Feb and when May came we decided we would just have to put up with it and persevere. Out came the motorhome, only a 2 hour journey but it was a short break on a lovely adult-only caravan park with great facilities for us and the dogs. NO sickness. Return journey NO sickness.
At last we had cracked the problem. What was it? He preferred the rougher travel in the MH to the smoother air suspension of the car. For the following couple of weeks we used alternate vehicles to travel in until he just accepted that riding was a way of getting to brilliant dog walks! Now he is the first in the queue to get in the car.:D
I don't have a dog, well I did have a Jack Russell but that was the ex-wife's and she took the dog with her when she moved out.

Remember that dogs are like humans, each dogs have their own ways, as well as the fact that a puppy will grow to larger size.

My advice is: You will have to find ways to improvise and make adjustments over the many months, until you found a way that it really suited for your dog. I mean, you set it up, do a test drive, if your dog is not happy, in fear, then you'll have to change things around. Once you found out your dog is fine and well or is very pleased, is safer, and not scared of a car journey, then you will have found the suitable set up.

Like Clint Eastwood said in the movie Hearthbreak Ridge...


Thanks for the info.

However, you are 8 full years late to the party.

Ive since sold the Freelander, bought a D3 and I’m about to sell that for a D4.

Alfie however, is a happy traveller, with no issues.

If you are planning to put a dog guard in your D4, look carefully to see the strange shape as it fits against the back of the seats. If your dog, like mine, likes to sit with their backs to the seat so that they can see where they have been, then a dog of any reasonable size will end up sitting with its head poking forward in a most uncomfortable-looking position! I bought one, had it fitted and then took it out after a very few days so it has ended up being another 'decoration' in the shed!! :rolleyes: And it isn't a cheap accessory!! Mine are Bearded Collies to give you an idea of size. Except for this little hiccup, mine are delighted with their mobile kennel.:)
Another point worth noting is the lack of air. With only the front sunroof being an opening one, the air that does come in is fairly static and if you open the rear windows, the noise is quite disturbing. My answer is a dual 12v fan as used in leisure vehicles. If you are interested I can send you further info.:)
Our old Dobermann travels well in both LR's we just put him in the boot on his bed and we have no issue.

Both mine travel brilliantly, too, It is me that did not like to see the discomfort caused to two young and active dogs who like to sit and watch the world go by! Lying down is no problem whatsoever - plenty of space for two to stretch out in comfort! Them being very long haired, the air supply is certainly something of great importance to them and me.:)
Stupid Staffy fell out of the Toyota, the window was open and she was hanging on it when it collapsed. She was fastened with an IsoFix harness. Feckless eedjit. So she has a seat cover on the back seat of the Hippo, same kind as I had in the Avensis, but with no open window. She travels well, but has been known to upchuck on longer journeys. She whines like mad until she gets to where we are going for a walk though. Too excitable when it comes to walkies.
Two of mine travel fine and the other one barks at anything and everything until it gets bored by which time I've normally hit a tree.
Mine love to go in the landy I have to drag them past it to get to take them a walk as they are desperate to get in it. haha
Thanks for the info.

However, you are 8 full years late to the party.

Ive since sold the Freelander, bought a D3 and I’m about to sell that for a D4.

Alfie however, is a happy traveller, with no issues.

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Oh, now you mention it, I went back to your original posting, and noticed the time-stamp on it. Sorry, I should have checked how old the original posting was. Must've had too much on my mind or tired to notice.

And that's a great photo of your dog, nice dog.

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