I tried the Gtechniq stuff Dopey, but it just seemed like over-priced nail varnish. Did you get decent results? Anyone's welcome to have my half-used bottle. I'll throw in free postage, to get it off my shelf
I dont have any was going to buy some, was told it was good stuff and lasted a long time, and as for the hot air seen it on youtube not dont that but it looked like it worked
I tried the Gtechniq stuff Dopey, but it just seemed like over-priced nail varnish. Did you get decent results? Anyone's welcome to have my half-used bottle. I'll throw in free postage, to get it off my shelf
I will have the rest of it off you, I would like to test it out, if it work for me I will buy some more, like you say it is expensive stuff
I tried the Gtechniq stuff Dopey, but it just seemed like over-priced nail varnish. Did you get decent results? Anyone's welcome to have my half-used bottle. I'll throw in free postage, to get it off my shelf
I cant PM you!!
Being Landyzone I was expecting someone to suggest spunk and then tip off the local bobby that some bloke was jacking off over his Range Rover.
Who is using something else then, that’s just weird?
I normally get the local bobby to help, only by words of encouragement or holding up traffic while I do the side next to the road, nothing hands on, that would be frowned upon round here..

I just assumed that’s why the locals always refer to me as that wan**r with the Range Rover.
Who is using something else then, that’s just weird?
I normally get the local bobby to help, only by words of encouragement or holding up traffic while I do the side next to the road, nothing hands on, that would be frowned upon round here..

I just assumed that’s why the locals always refer to me as that wan**r with the Range Rover.

Isn't your local Bobby that lass who's featured so heavily in the Kent Youtube dogging fraternity?
Last time I see a copper walking by my house I asked him if he was lost, and I said that car across the road has no road tax........ My Series II ...... lol, and he radioed in to check it as well lol
Don't want to be pedantic but on my car at least, the plastic is not black but dark grey.

I removed the grille and had the local paint factor mix me a match sampled from the back of the part. 2 aerosols and a small pot to brush. The stuff used to paint plastic bumpers.

Very pleased with the results spraying the grille and the trim piece under the headlights. Done 2 years ago and still looking good. Not effective at all on the door handles though, just flakes off!
Colour is also a match for the sides of the centre console. The factory finish must be degrading after all this time and the slightest touch with anything seems to mark it. Marks touch up well using a nail varnish brush.

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