Well I went to have a look at them over the weekend and wasn't really very impressed. I don't know what the two bands on the side wall of the Latitudes are but these didn't have anything like that, just a plain, very soft, side wall.

I guess they have their place but my missus has a habit of parking by ear on occasion and I would think even the slightest kerbing would write them off.
Never, never skimp on tyres - you really do get what you pay for - and the trouble is that the difference between good and bad really becomes apparent just when you are in the ****e and need the performance that a premium tyre will give you
Never, never skimp on tyres - you really do get what you pay for - and the trouble is that the difference between good and bad really becomes apparent just when you are in the ****e and need the performance that a premium tyre will give you
Totally agree mate. The tyres are the only contact I have with the road. I always fit decent tyres.

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