
Well-Known Member
Has anyone been? My lad's on about going for the bank hol weekend but if its really extremebe doesn't want to break anything as it's a long way back home lol
There's something for everyone there, so much space it's unreal, you've got to go mad to cause any damage, there's some slippy areas so getting stuck is a possibility but that's part of the fun, plenty of people there to pull you out if stuck :)

I'll be there for the weekend
keep your eyes peeled for my lad in the landy (one in the avatar) it now has a roof tent on it, say hi if you get chance :)
Good, dan didn't get of til well after 8pm so god knows what time he'll get there! Think he may just bunk in the roof tent in a layby somewhere nearby lol
hope you're all having fun there, not heard anything since saturday from dan, said it was good n some fantastic views :)
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heard dan met up with dizzytim and john? he had a really good time and will defo be going back, think i need to start putting my name at the bottom of my posts too lol :D


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