Can't see the point myself as vented is for aiding cooling .
Brakes work on friction/heat the speed of a landy doesn't warrant it IMO
Just spent your money if you must
However if you had a sports car not a brick then it might just be worth it .
I'm currently changing my front axle to a vented set up, but this is due to the sheer weight it will weigh and the environments we'll be tackling when we go to Morocco later this year. :)
Can't see the point myself as vented is for aiding cooling .
Brakes work on friction/heat the speed of a landy doesn't warrant it IMO
Just spent your money if you must
However if you had a sports car not a brick then it might just be worth it .

does it not take more energy to stop a defender than a lighter sports car?
^ Quite.
Braking is the action of converting kinetic energy into heat energy (or in the case of kers electricity as well) momentum = mass x velocity The momentum of a landrover at low speed will be equal to a much lighter car at higher speeds therefore it is every bit as necessary to cool the brakes on a landrover as a sportscar.
^ Quite.
Braking is the action of converting kinetic energy into heat energy (or in the case of kers electricity as well) momentum = mass x velocity The momentum of a landrover at low speed will be equal to a much lighter car at higher speeds therefore it is every bit as necessary to cool the brakes on a landrover as a sportscar.
Ooo physics , if they were not Adequate they would not of been fitted !
And why is the range rover fitted with solid disks even tho its heavier and faster .
When your climbing mountains and off- roading shouldn't you be using the gearbox more than you do the brakes ;)

Plus vented disks trap mud in effect it Defeats the object :)
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Yeah, physics. Laws of, that kind of thing... You sir appear to be a keyboard warrior.
In answer to your question, the rangie was designed many years before the defender, so as technology advanced, better brakes were developed and I for one consider it prudent to embrace that technology, especially where safety is concerned.
Ooo physics , if they were not Adequate they would not of been fitted !
And why is the range rover fitted with solid disks even tho its heavier and faster .
When your climbing mountains and off- roading shouldn't you be using the gearbox more than you do the brakes ;)

Plus vented disks trap mud in effect it Defeats the object :)

Grit: solids were first, then as technology developed was found out vented slotted were better , they did not warp as bad or as quick. But most advances for auto's, come from racing as they are the test bed in the most extreme conditions , and after they are proven, then they go into autos.

And your comment about the holes and slots pack up with mud and wear quicker, what about drum brakes they pack up with mud alot worse, what about the hand brake packing up with mud?
Yeah, physics. Laws of, that kind of thing... You sir appear to be a keyboard warrior.
In answer to your question, the rangie was designed many years before the defender, so as technology advanced, better brakes were developed and I for one consider it prudent to embrace that technology, especially where safety is concerned.

Then buy the newer model the td5's and puma disco3/4? ect are much more powerful than the ageing 300 that's why they all have vented disks ect

Remember the insurance will find any excuse to hammer you so please make sure you notifi them and have the updated brakes checked by a respectible body or pay the Consequences

I still say you must drive like a loony to need them
Maybe you get a diploma like me Health and Safety Training Courses, Accident Prevention Advice & Information from RoSPA

Information received from the outside world by observation, and given by use of signals such as direction indicators, headlamp flashes, and horn; is a general theme running continuously throughout the application of the system by taking, using and giving information;
Position on the road optimised for safety, visibility and correct routing, followed by best progress;
Speed appropriate to the hazard being approached, attained via explicit braking or throttle control (engine braking), always being able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear on your side of the road;
Gear appropriate for maximum vehicle control through the hazard, selected in one shift; and
Acceleration for clearing the hazard safely.
The taking, using and giving of Information is, arguably, most important and surrounds (and drives) the five phases IPSGA. It may, and often should, be re-applied at any phase in the System.
Grit when i once glazzed my brakes i was 17 and not the best driver, 3 years on with fathers 90 i plan on making this vehicle good on the road and off the road, i dont drive like a lunatic i just fancy them they look nice, so please dont insult me i know what i am doing and am taking pride on making my late fathers land rover something he dreamed off so if u have no positive feedback for this thread please take ur opinions else where because i want answera and a fun chat
Grit when i once glazzed my brakes i was 17 and not the best driver, 3 years on with fathers 90 i plan on making this vehicle good on the road and off the road, i dont drive like a lunatic i just fancy them they look nice, so please dont insult me i know what i am doing and am taking pride on making my late fathers land rover something he dreamed off so if u have no positive feedback for this thread please take ur opinions else where because i want answera and a fun chat
Probably cheap make pads :)
I've never had glazed brakes on any of my solid disks but then again I don't buy cheap crap or over stress my brakes unless I have an emergency out of my control you might like wasting your money but others don't .
Probably cheap make pads :)
I've never had glazed brakes on any of my solid disks but then again I don't buy cheap crap or over stress my brakes unless I have an emergency out of my control you might like wasting your money but others don't .

Me neither.:D
I just went along the route that my front brakes all needed changing and brakes have come along a way since they were fitted by LR 17 years ago, and anything that helps you stop quicker and safer, can only be a good thing ;)
If I could afford a D4, I'd have one.

As for getting the brakes checked, I am an IMI registered, qualified mechanic.

Oh and I have an advanced driving licence too. Yes, from Rospa.

Did I mention I worked for Ferrari?

Keep trying to argue the case for intentionally fitting old tech brakes if you will...

I still say you're a keyboad warrior though mate. Maybe you should get out in your landy a bit more to relieve stress instead of picking fights on here?
My monster conversion and no brake fade on solid disks, its a 4x4 not a frigging sports car

I'll upgrade when I can feel the need
If you do go down the route of fitting brand new 110/130 vented calipers with the larger 46mm pistons. Invest in replacing the pistons with stainless ones... Part No. STC201S

When the calipers are brand new it's very easy to pop the chrome ones out and the stainless ones in and they give years more service without them seizing up because the chrome has come off.

Tonks4x4 - The Land Rover Specialist

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