Hi All,
Just had to sort out my wipers on my defender puma ( new wheel boxes, drive cable & seals all genuine
land rover parts. What a pig of a job. the person that designed that should be shot.
One wheel box seized & snapped the cable.
You would not believe that a part that moves all its life would seize up.
Welcome to green oval; ownership

advantage is a lot of the bits are cheap

Just done all the wiper stuff on my 110 project so feel your pain

It is more the hassle of taking the dash apart..
Yes it did not cost much for the parts,
But it is a lot of work to change them.
After doing it once it would not take as long the next time.(not that I want to do it again)
I had arms and motor disconnected and I still couldn’t move the spline with mole grips on them.

in the end I just dropped it off at the dealers and let them sorted.
lt's a few hours work on a TD5 to do it properly, because you can't get the drivers side wheel box out without removing the metal frame behind the dash.
But l wouldn't say it was a difficult job. Not sure about the Puma, the TD5 dash and console all comes out fairly easily.
l've seen the job bodged where someone has cut the metal frame away in order to fit the drivers side wheel box.
Just make sure that the garage you take it to is going to do it properly.
i have changed them on most Defenders but have just done my Puma and tbh i thought it was the easiest of them all, reason being everything just unplugs. when i did my 300tdi all the wiring was in a right birds nests and took me ages to put it all back as it soon be.
TD5 is OK, wiring all unplugs, it's just heartbreaking to spend an hour taking the dash out, then discover there's a whole secondary frame that has to come out as well.
And to get that out you have to remove everything.
this is my first time changing a land rover defender puma wipers.
I am told it is the hardest one to change as there is a lot more to come out just to get the dash to move.
I have not done any of the other models so I would not know.
Just going off what I have been told.
As a retired plant fitter by trade & 66 years old, I have also had a stroke.
This was still a pig of a job.
I have been told the puma is the hardest one to do ( not that I want to do it again )
But it is all back in one piece now.

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