
New Member
Hi, I have an 08 defender puma, after fitting a mantec snorkel had the landy on a run, after about 30 miles it suddenly went into safe mode, now it does it all the time if you go over 60mph and lift off the accelerator ie go into overrun, the engine goes straight into safe mode, now and then it throws up the engine management light with a P0299 code.

Anyone any ideas???

Before the old guard show up, post in the introduce your self,

Could snorkel isnt allowing enough air for engine to run properly, do you know if engine has been played with (known as chipped)
what he said, and make sure all the sensors are plugged in properly, fiddling with the intake pipes the sensors may have been disturbed (MAF)
I put everything back to standard and it still did the same, so took the maf and map sensors out cleaned them all which improved performance but only up to the magic 60mph then as soon as you let the engine overrun it's straight into safe mode. Under power it's fine, it'll pull right through the rev range in all gears and go to full speed, but as soon as you lift your foot off it goes safe, stop restart and everythings fine again.

My thinking is the snorkels a red herring and it's possibly the egr valve although the self clean seams to be working, or it's a turbo hose, but I cant hear any air leaks and she doesn't smoke or appear to have lost power, the turbo seams to be working correctly and the vane control moves ok .

Really puzzled!!!!!
I check the codes and the only one coming up is P0299 turbo under/overboost, disconnected the egr as i've heard they are a big problem, and it runs a hell of a lot better but still went into safe mode once which brought the engine light up, but still only had the two egr codes (P1402, P1409) and the P0299 code up.
The car has a lot more power though and is much more responsive and is not jumping to safe mode anywhere near as much as it was. Will see how it goes, have a new map sensor on the way and might get a new maf, plus will change the intercooler hoses to silicone and see what happens.
Found the problem, although it didn't show the symptoms when I changed the turbo hoses for silicones the hose from the turbo to the intercooler had a hole in it, changed them Saturday afternoon and all smiles now (-:
Well done for solving it.
Mine was doing the same but i never realy got to the bottome of it. MAP sensor cleaning helped, electronicaly blanking the EGR helped, and replacing the EGR entirely even though it was effectively defeunct helped.
Still does it ocasionaly so I might change the hoses for a daft laugh. or is life too short.

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