
Well-Known Member
Hi all

I got a pair of like new doors from the Spring adventure and I'm now wondering if they're Puma age or TD5? I've attached a few pictures, just wondering if anyone knows any tell tale signs indicating what they are? I've tried my 200tdi door cards on them and they had a few differences, which leads me to believe that they are Puma doors rather than TD5 (as far as I'm aware, earlier TD5 door cards are virtually the same as 200tdi age one's). The guy who I bought them off said that with a couple of small mods, my old door internals will fit, because I bought the doors unglazed and empty :D Hopefully he wasn't telling porkies :p They are mint compared to my current one's anyway, my driver side is well and truly, shot-to-**** :D

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks :)





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