Morning Folks,

I've got a 2011 Puma Defender. I've had it a week and am loving it. There are a few issues. One being that the heater won't blow cold, so I'm guessing that the heater valve / tap is stuck / broken. I've checked the rotary knob cable and it is still attached.

Is this a known issue with the Defender heater? Is there maybe something else that I should check?

I've tried searching the forum, but the search function doesn't appear to work at the moment.


Mine is cool to warm (depending on the weather) at the coolest setting. One click of the knob (ooh-er matron) on the heat-up and it starts get warmer, 2 clicks and the magma starts to flow. It is one of the hottest heaters I've had in any car. That, with the botty warmer seats and heated windscreen is the cold climate pack. You will be glad of it in a few weeks time. Have to use the aircon in summer.
If yours is super hot on the coolest setting, something needs adjusting.
@Wimblowdriver. I'll try adjusting it before I go for a new valve. I found it on the firewall. It's a brute of a heater. The heated seats are favoured by the good lady. I've never got use to them. I was also surprised to find it had a heated screen. Are Defenders meant to be this civilised? Thanks for the feedback.

@Kwakerman You need to try this heater. As Windblowdriver said, it's super hot.
Most tratterers are cold when driving int winter because the heater can't produce enough heat to warm up the inside of the tratter and compensate for the leaky seals and the need to drive with the window down to provide space for yer arm. Having a heater that works isn't normally a concern.
@Hippo. Hi Hippo, just completed a 300 mile round trip. The whole trip with the windows part way down. The heater is so hot, it makes you feel queazy. The only time I've come a cross a heater like this in a Volvo, but then I had the luxury of turning the thing off. The good lady suggested that fixing the heater needed to go to the top of the jobs list. Better not ignore her "guidance".

Should be easy to sort now that I have found the valve. I'll update when it's sorted.
No, the heater being too hot certainly isn't a known defender issue! :D

hahahah... I find you can double the average heat output by putting an small espresso on the intake ;)
on a serious note, with a 300 tdi, when driving through a hot spain this summer, all I could get was warm air on cold... driving back through france in September at night with heater on full heat, most I got was a faint dechilling... and a smell of wet dog... so any hint of a solution to this thread I am all ears
Morning Folks,
I managed to find the issue. The cable that controlled the valve was not pushing it fully closed. It's been an issue for some time as somebody has sprayed the thing with grease (and the firewall and surrounding pipework etc). I pulled it closed with a finger, and it was lovely to drive down the road with cold air blowing into the cabin. I need to take the cable and valve off and give it a clean and lubricate it properly.
@cborrman I'm not sure but I think that the 300tdi might have a different heater??
Morning Folks,
I managed to find the issue. The cable that controlled the valve was not pushing it fully closed. It's been an issue for some time as somebody has sprayed the thing with grease (and the firewall and surrounding pipework etc). I pulled it closed with a finger, and it was lovely to drive down the road with cold air blowing into the cabin. I need to take the cable and valve off and give it a clean and lubricate it properly.
@cborrman I'm not sure but I think that the 300tdi might have a different heater??
Thanks for this, I shall have a look for this on mine, as winter is just around corner!
Thanks for this, I shall have a look for this on mine, as winter is just around corner!
Heaters pre puma are different.
Do a search on here as it's been covered loads.
Basically it's cable adjustment, matrix obstructed , seized flaps, poor foam sealing that causes issues.
There are no valves.
Thanks, hoping its a cable, will have a look at threads on rest of pointers, tho after 20 years of marriage I have a workaround for siezed flaps ;)
Heaters pre puma are different.
Do a search on here as it's been covered loads.
Basically it's cable adjustment, matrix obstructed , seized flaps, poor foam sealing that causes issues.
There are no valves.
turned out to be sticky flaps rather than siezed ones... a good flap rumage and seems cables can now move them feely.

what is interesting is that on motorway for a few hundred miles at 70mph it was fine, temp needle in usual just below middle setting, nice warm air coming in (8°C outside) when I got onto the b road cruising in 4th and 5th ar 40mph the temp went down to almost cold and could not get any heat. stopped for fuel, and temp immediately back on middle point after restart.. back to nice warm air... had the p-gasket done and thermostat checked just before trip... is it possible the thermostat has an intermittent sticking prob now?!?
Would it be worth taking the thermostat out and 1. checking it works at 88 degrees (standard, I think) and 2. There's nothing in the housing that interferes with it. I found this when I dismantled mine:
It's the remains of an old top bung, broken off some time in the distant past and the bloke responsible was too bone idle to retrieve it. I think it had jammed the 'stat open.
Would it be worth taking the thermostat out and 1. checking it works at 88 degrees (standard, I think) and 2. There's nothing in the housing that interferes with it. I found this when I dismantled mine:
It's the remains of an old top bung, broken off some time in the distant past and the bloke responsible was too bone idle to retrieve it. I think it had jammed the 'stat open.

wow... its all nicely sealed up now and staying that way for a bit!
turned out to be sticky flaps rather than siezed ones... a good flap rumage and seems cables can now move them feely.

what is interesting is that on motorway for a few hundred miles at 70mph it was fine, temp needle in usual just below middle setting, nice warm air coming in (8°C outside) when I got onto the b road cruising in 4th and 5th ar 40mph the temp went down to almost cold and could not get any heat. stopped for fuel, and temp immediately back on middle point after restart.. back to nice warm air... had the p-gasket done and thermostat checked just before trip... is it possible the thermostat has an intermittent sticking prob now?!?
Don't know if this si still on tropic, but now I have my heater sort of working, albeit previously at two speeds only: full speed very noisy, and then just a lower speed noisy, I now only have full speed noisy... I assume this is just a resistor that needs replacing??? a quick series of google searches shows they are not made any more?

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