
28th feb weekend 2 day event



For those early arrivals on friday there will be a quick spate of night laning before we hit the pub and grab dinner and a few pints.......or if you're a posh one GnT/red wine....then again you could be a prepubescent tramp and spend the night drinking blue WKD :eek: :puke:

Disclaimer: If there is any bitching, moaning, whining or general unhappiness about camping conditions or locations that is up to you to sort. Rough camping is called this for a reason, if you want to stay in a B&B or travel lodge then feel free to do so. This clause has been put in with regards to HiDeeHi. No offense but you have been warned, this is in relation to wales.

Second item on the agenda, if your vehicle cant cope and at the discretion of each group top gear law may be implemented :p

Thirdly, those who choose to have a hangover will suffer greatly if they're in my group.....there are now four V8's

Fourthly 10 spline half shafts will be greatly appreciated as donations to group one (I mean that, seriously give me your half shafts!)

And finally......dinner on Friday and Saturday are between curry and pub/fish and chips. Make your own choice or bring your own!
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That depends if we get a woman to join or if I've got a new girlfriend by then! Cos I'm not making four cakes in one night again :eek:
That depends if we get a woman to join or if I've got a new girlfriend by then! Cos I'm not making four cakes in one night again :eek:

Only four..ya big wuss...try doing 26 for a Salisbury Plain trip :p
They were all butter cakes with butter cream! My arm was dead:(

give over you big jessie, you said you need a new girlfriend at the moment so im sure there have been other nights your arm was dead too, think of it as training ;)
They were all butter cakes with butter cream! My arm was dead:(

Electric mixer and butter at room temperature. .simples..each cake 8mins to make, in oven, make next in oven, make third, first lut and cooling.....etc and then by the time you're on your 6 th one you can factor in decorating the cool ones...simple

Theyre the easier ones ones..the more complex ones take about an hour to prepare and an hour to bake .
Electric mixer and butter at room temperature. .simples..each cake 8mins to make, in oven, make next in oven, make third, first lut and cooling.....etc and then by the time you're on your 6 th one you can factor in decorating the cool ones...simple

Theyre the easier ones ones..the more complex ones take about an hour to prepare and an hour to bake .

This was all by hand with a wooden spoon and cold ish butter :eek:
If you are going to do more than one group could be interested in doing this one.
Could get the mississ to do me some cakes lol.

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