Actually - I've dumped the sheep back where I found it on the waste ground between my place of work and the local tip ;) See the guys working at the tip think it's rather amusing (as do most of us!) to position assorted toy/model animals which people throw out on the ornamental rock next to the work's front door. We've had a big cuddly lion, leopard, giant rubber rat, giant spider...and two legless plastic sheep :D
I'm sure there's plenty more live, warm, energetic sheep to be found whilst on tomorrow's trip.

Anyhow, I'm off to get stuff prepped (drinks, food etc.) for the oh-dark-thirty set off in the morning....
That's definitely not too good :(. Doc not help you out with something? A real one, not Evil lol

i suppose they could,but i hate going to the docs at the best of times.i went the other day but i felt ok then.if i dont feel better in a week or two i might think about going to see one.
I don't always find them to be helpful at times but at least if they give you something to help its better than nothing. If you're still really not feeling too good next Monday we'll reschedule for another time :) your health is more important and Manchester isn't far to pop down to again ;)
I don't always find them to be helpful at times but at least if they give you something to help its better than nothing. If you're still really not feeling too good next Monday we'll reschedule for another time :) your health is more important and Manchester isn't far to pop down to again ;)

this is why i was a tad reticent the other day,my back is my main problem and i never know from one day to the next, if i will be even be able to get out of bed or not.:eek:

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