Second item on the agenda, if your vehicle cant cope and at the discretion of each group top gear law may be implemented :p
This will especially apply to you then

Thirdly, those who choose to have a hangover will suffer greatly if they're in my group.....there are now four V8's
I'll be reet I int following you

You still haven't got our group right :D:D

Difflock is one of ours, I think Sarah90 might want a different group, International Rescue probably
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Ummm, no? :rolleyes:

I may have mentioned the time we camped on strata which you wernt so happy about :p but we got sorted in the end :D

Would that be the time you were all sleeping in your vehicles and I had a tent which you thought we could pitch up on an marsh land 😕
You is still in my group! I'll sacrifice another 7MPG and drive in third everywhere just to give everyone a headache :D

Cant keep everyone happy :p difflocks a maybe anyway

Difflock might need Neils help on the rough lanes, his Disco is completely standard and Lewis likes us
Difflock might need Neils help on the rough lanes, his Disco is completely standard and Lewis likes us

Chill sue! Stop ####ing panicking! It will all be sorted and we will all have fun and be happy! I'm sure people will shift groups once in the pub anyways and people will drop out too.

Best to do the grouping the weekend before the event.
Chill sue! Stop ####ing panicking! It will all be sorted and we will all have fun and be happy! I'm sure people will shift groups once in the pub anyways and people will drop out too.

Best to do the grouping the weekend before the event.

:p:p At least I haven't dropped out because I think it will be chaos, some have :eek:
I hope so, be lovely to meet you again, didn't get to see you much in Wales as you stayed in a different hotel :D

This means there will be 4 ladies on the trip, shame Poppy and Muds cant make it :(
There will be 5 Sue, Mrs Top Cat will be joining me this time:)
we will be camping.
Mrs TC like it rough :D

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