
New Member
Took the plunge on Friday of last week, went to Stafford to pick up Storms truck cab. I'm glad I went when I did as I think he was having second thoughts about getting rid of the little beauty. (sorry Storm) Having only driven a 90 once for about two miles, it was a baptism of fire driving from Stafford to Whitehaven, I think I lost a good 30% of my hearing but I got waved at by other landy drivers about 3 or 4 times on my trip back and when I realised they were waving cos I was in a landy and not because it was on fire I was well chuffed.
So, wish me luck and thanks Storm.
oh, and I was to swap the truck cab for a county back so if anyone is looking for truck cab please let me know - my border collie doesn't like being in the front seat so I need to get county back ASAP. :):)
I should have bloody kept it too..btw, metal paint from any DIY place..been busy mate, sorry.
I should have bloody kept it too..btw, metal paint from any DIY place..been busy mate, sorry.

think- deposit on own place, not living with rellies :)

don't think- lost love of life and gained a rusty bird instead :Cry:
oh, and I was to swap the truck cab for a county back so if anyone is looking for truck cab please let me know - my border collie doesn't like being in the front seat so I need to get county back ASAP. :):)

I've got a hard top/sides that I'd swap for a truck cab (or sell cheap) but no back door I'm afraid. It will be available in a couple of weeks.

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