My missus would forget to turn it off when she drives it. I guarantee the pain in my arse afterwards would definately be bigger than anything that caused to her bootoks.:p
They wouldn't do any damage to her erse, not unless she had a nice spicy curry the night before;) :D
the gamekeeper I used to know when I were a kid used dozens of them all over the estate. except he drilled them out to take a live 12 bore cartridge!
it fired down into the ground and kicked up a load of **** when it went off.

fookin scary!
Good fun tho';) :D :D
someone tried nabbing mine last year, its parked in me front yard, i could hear something going on so i went out in me slippers and nighty found em fooking about with it so chased em, as ya do, didnt catch em i cant run in slippers, dont know what scared em more, being rumbled or a mad woman runing down road in nighty n slippers!!!!!!
i have on mine a clutch claw, steering wheel disc lock , cat 1 alarm , toad text alert , but that still didn't stop them smashing the window and nicking a load of dvds from the door pocket .....barstewards....
FFS Ratty, sorry to hear abot the motor. Take it you will still be out playin on Sunday though

The insurance assessor came and looked at it today. They are offering me £3000 as it is for final settlement figure (for a vehicle with £3000 of extras on it????), Or I can keep it and it will not be recoreded (catagorised) and get £1600 cash. I told him he was having a laugh and to find me a replacement vehicle for that sort of money with the same spec. He declined. Negotiations are ongoing.:eek:

If I take the £1600 I can hopefully have it on the road again by sunday. If I argue it out then It will take a lot longer. I have started repairing it already ( I aint telling them that). So far I have bent the door back into shape and got the engine running. I still have to remove whats left of the ignition lock and fit a new set of stalks to be able to drive it safely.
ouch, that sucks.! can u not take the three grand then buy it back for less than £1.4k?

Makes u wonder what we pay insurance for?

Only if you know where they are selling it and are registered with that auction. There is no way I am gonna part with £3000 worth of extras plus my landy for £3000. I would rather give it away than let the insurance company take it for that. They can all be unbolted and removed but the assessor is saying it is valued as it is and if I take the stuff off it will drop the value. This means my landy is worth...........hmmmmm nothing???:mad:
Only if you know where they are selling it and are registered with that auction. There is no way I am gonna part with £3000 worth of extras plus my landy for £3000. I would rather give it away than let the insurance company take it for that. They can all be unbolted and removed but the assessor is saying it is valued as it is and if I take the stuff off it will drop the value. This means my landy is worth...........hmmmmm nothing???:mad:
Its makes yer blood boil,, fookin suits wi clip bords tellin ye that yer pride
an joy is wurth ****e, fookin nobb:mad: hope some lag nicks his motor!!!
see how he feels then......
Its makes yer blood boil,, fookin suits wi clip bords tellin ye that yer pride
an joy is wurth ****e, fookin nobb:mad: hope some lag nicks his motor!!!
see how he feels then......

An if someone did, you bet your life the bastid would sort out his own claim an give himself shed loads of dosh :mad: :mad:

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