
I'm not special I'm limited edition
There was a recent debate on here about the best way of protecting your landy. For those of you that wish to know. The following methods have now been tried and tested thanks to the thieving scum that attacked mine last night.:mad: :mad: :mad:

1) relocated alarm siren unit.-unsuccessful-They still got at it:mad:
2) Standard immobiliser-not bad but still Semi bypassed :eek:
3) Isolated earth with small bypass wire-successful :D
4) Chub lock on rear door-successful :rolleyes:

End result:

They fooked up my alarm siren, Bent both the top and bottom of the passenger door out and bypassed the wire to the starter but not the fuel pump solonoid. On trying to start it it killed the earth fuse to the dash accessories. They then snapped the steering lock and pushed it down the road to try and bump start it. They then tried to get into the rear door. the standard landy lock is no more but the chubb household lock held out. Unable to get it going they lit a bonfire on the drivers floor. Luckily for me the drivers door leaks like a sieve and The floor mats were still soaking wet from salisbury last week so the fire didn't take hold. The dash is a gonner and it will be an insurance write off. I am now awaiting the insurance company to come and look at it. I will be buying it back and it will go back on the road. Unlike the scum that did it if I get my hands on them.
FFS Ratty sorry to hear that. Fooking bastids can't leave nowt alone.
There was a recent debate on here about the best way of protecting your landy. For those of you that wish to know. The following methods have now been tried and tested thanks to the thieving scum that attacked mine last night.:mad: :mad: :mad:

1) relocated alarm siren unit.-unsuccessful-They still got at it:mad:
2) Standard immobiliser-not bad but still Semi bypassed :eek:
3) Isolated earth with small bypass wire-successful :D
4) Chub lock on rear door-successful :rolleyes:

End result:

They fooked up my alarm siren, Bent both the top and bottom of the passenger door out and bypassed the wire to the starter but not the fuel pump solonoid. On trying to start it it killed the earth fuse to the dash accessories. They then snapped the steering lock and pushed it down the road to try and bump start it. They then tried to get into the rear door. the standard landy lock is no more but the chubb household lock held out. Unable to get it going they lit a bonfire on the drivers floor. Luckily for me the drivers door leaks like a sieve and The floor mats were still soaking wet from salisbury last week so the fire didn't take hold. The dash is a gonner and it will be an insurance write off. I am now awaiting the insurance company to come and look at it. I will be buying it back and it will go back on the road. Unlike the scum that did it if I get my hands on them.
Bloody tea leafs:mad: If caught thay should be tied and thrown into a big
barrel of starvin rats...
cheers pikey

where wuz you between the hours of 6pm last night and 8am this morning???


Helping me mate push a landy down the fooking road but he cuunt get the fooker started. Tried every fooking thing. he got so ****ed off with it he tried ta set fire to it in the middle of the fooking street:eek: I ****ed orf and left him to it at that point.
****ERS! Sorry ter hear that Ratty. Glad they din't get it, but how cu'ntish is that, just cuz they failed they lit a fire under it. ****ing ****ers!

Find 'em, we'll do 'em. ;)
not so good that Ratty!!:mad:
wire the motor up to the mains, that'll sort the bastids;) Don't forget to disconnect the battery furst tho':D
bad luck ratty
bet the pigs wern't interested evva?

They attacked another car aswell to use to try and tow start it but couldn't get past the immobiliser on that either. Sombody heard them and called the old bill. They showed up to check it out this afternoon??????:confused: There is no point to them coming out half a day late. There is a cctv camera at the end of the road but I still don't know if they got the arsewipes on camera. I doubt it.:mad:
hope you are able to come across the theiving scum at some time and give them some "hospitality" treatment
ave often thought a spring loaded harpoon under the drivers seat might work so long as yer remembered to 'make safe' before yer got in
sorry o hear that ratty,
hope you find who the thievin basterds are, an run over em:D
best thing for em, pikey bastids:mad:
sorry o hear that ratty,
hope you find who the thievin basterds are, an run over em:D
best thing for em, pikey bastids:mad:

I aint gonna rum em over. I've only just cleaned the ****e out me winch. I aint about to fill it back up again. I will give em a choice of 2 broken arms or 2 broken legs. I am considerate like that.
the gamekeeper I used to know when I were a kid used dozens of them all over the estate. except he drilled them out to take a live 12 bore cartridge!
it fired down into the ground and kicked up a load of **** when it went off.

fookin scary!

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