
New Member
Right I know this sounds girly but the only regret about my defender (09 tdci) is that I picked metallic black. Looks absolutely awesome but the paint is so thin from the factory that it scratches from the slightest of touches, for example a single strand of bramble was sticking out from my hedge the other week and it just brushed the side, I took a look a bit later and theres a perfect scratch from the headlight to the back :Cry: so I'm wondering if theres a special polish or something that will at least minimise scratching? The reason I'm asking is as its not so new anymore I'm itching to get out proper off roading not just playing around like I have been so far :rolleyes: but at the same time I dont want pinstripes down each side!
Mine is the same colour, albeit older. Scratches all over the place. I've had Autoglym put on it. Seems to help a bit. On the other hand it's a Landy - don't stress about it.
The choice is simple, either put up with the inevitable scratches you will get while greenlaning, or don't take it laning. The Defender is a utility workhorse, it is not meant for posing in and polishing, it is meant to be dirty, muddy and dented. :D

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