If someones intent on stealing it your only gonna be able to make them take longer to do it. I would look at tracker chips and a cat 1 alarm. The alarm will make noise and if they do just trailer if off the chip will locate it and get it back. I often wonder whether when you fit an alarm or tracker chip is it a good idea to place warning stickers on the vehicle??
I guess they do put people off but they also tell people how to steal it!
I think the most reliable idea is the tracker, or you can get a gps based unit that uses mobile phone technology . As mentioned before You wont be able to stop them if they really want it. You need to focus on getting it back asap I would not advertise the fact that it is fitted with a tracking device so they wont go looking for one, in the time they have.
I lost a two axle caravan from behind a locked metal gate, fitted with hitchlock, and wheel clamp at the side of the house on a bank holiday sunday, it was cris registered with all the windows engraved, never did get it back. No tracker fitted!

You could try a spring loaded spike under the drivers seat, just dont forget that its armed before you get in:eek:
it'd be good if you could get an alarm the fires a 10" spike up through the seat base if its sat on while activated
a local farmer had a brand new caravan, over night it was stolen buy some local 'travelers' (they have been there for years so i don't know thy they call themselves travelers) the insurance sorted him out a new one, the travelers had that away too (it was clamped and had a hitchlock on it) so the insurance peeps got him a new one, this one he chained to a H section steel post that was sunk into the ground with and mahoosive chain round the A frame the next night the 'travelers' visited him again and went to drive off with his caravan they got about 30feet then........... BANG the chain went tight and stopped the ****ers dead out they went through the windscreen and across the bonnet
my mate used to attach the frame of his harley to a lamp-post with a big ferk-off chain and padlock.
one day, he came out of work to find that the frame and chain were still there, but absolutely nothing else......
My landy caught the attention of a couple of local irish travelers recently while i was filling with fuel at the local garage.
Just bought a 'full metal jacket' to cover and lock all of the pedals of my landy today. I have been told that these are the most difficult to remove mechanical locking device.
You will never stop thieves completely but its a good deterant.
I don't like trackers. Once your pride and joy has been stolen, thrashed within an inch of its life or partly dismantled its not always a good idea to get it back!!
it'd be good if you could get an alarm the fires a 10" spike up through the seat base if its sat on while activated
Put one of them in a gaylander and it'll only make it MORE appealing to gaylander tealeaves!
Oh aye I fergot. Get some letter stamps from Machine mart an stamp your initials in various bits an bobs like the gearbox transfer box an injun an things, then take photos of em an at least you can identify the bits if they do get stolen an retrieved.
my mate used to attach the frame of his harley to a lamp-post with a big ferk-off chain and padlock.
one day, he came out of work to find that the frame and chain were still there, but absolutely nothing else......

Why on earth wud someone wanna steal a lamp post??:rolleyes:
Why on earth wud someone wanna steal a lamp post??:rolleyes:

Why on earth wud someone wanna steal a Harley??

hidden switch in the fuel solenoid circuit costs pence and will stop most drive aways

and one of those security floods that have built in SD cards that start recording once the light has been triggered - for the drive

and a very barky beagle does the trick for me
Oi dogs are best! however if this aint an option my reccomendation is save up and fit a good alarm. All the wee tricks work i use alot of them myself but it aint as good as a right noise alarm siren.

My Landy at present has no security but it aint parked on roads and the 2 dogs live by it but i do ahve this.

My Subaru being a shocking catagory 20 insurance has to have a thatchman Cat1 alarm installed so i went ofr the Clifford 350. Its got proximity scensors so works on if people hang about to long. What myne does is protects the car in evry angle possible up to 4ft after the initial pre arming stage were it learns about walls other cars etc. Now walk past my car it squaks at you stay there for 10 seconds and the siren goes and its very very loud.

Good thing about this alarm is that with a little programming via the FOB you can then park it alongside otyher cars you own and protect those too.I have had all 3 vehicles in my driveway protected only byt he car alarm.oh and with this alrms rating i can lower any insurance by atleast half. I pay less than £800 fully comp a year on all 3 vehicles and 1 is purly buissness use so heavily covered against theft.

cost me £400 to installl but seing my car is worth less these days then my landy id say if my car dont sell soon the alarm coming out and going in the landy.

good luck and protect the landy well ....

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