
Hi folks , Any one know if the uj repair kit is the same for the front and
rear prop shafts on a 1999 defender 110 300 tdi.
where is the best place to buy them.( MAIL ORDER )
Any one got a part number?
my defender is in switzerland, with major clanking going on
underneath . dont thing it will make it back to the uk the way
it is .

i dont no whether they are the same mate, someone should be able to tell you on here! do you no for sure its the uj's?
i have a clunking on my defender, i dont no if im right in saying but i think if you take propshaft off with the suspecting damaged uj, and have quick drive round to listen for the clunking this tells you if it is the uj?? dont try this till someone can confirm though mate, i could do with trying this, but i have only heard it through grapevine
Microcat is showing it as Propshaft Joint Universal 4cyl engine Part number RTC3458

There is another part number if it's a V8

Get underneath and measure the width across the outside of your propshaft yokes.
If it's about 93mm, you have the earlier type and need UJ part number RTC3346.
If it's about 87mm, you have the later type and need UJ part number RTC3291.

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