
Has anyone experienced this before? Just been to buy another D1 as my old one has died, on the way home noticed that there was a lot of vibration when accelerating, thought it might be the rear donut causing problems. However, whilst travelling in traffic on a dual carriage way at around 60mph, there was an all mighty great bang and the sound of metal clattering down the underside of the car. Managed to get over to side of road, had a look underneath and hey! Theres abig space where the propshaft should be, only its the front shaft thats gone not the rear. Anyone any ideas and pleae don't say "do a search", I'm still sat at the side of the road awaiting recovery and I'm not in a good mood :)
can you stick it in diff lock as a get you home measure? It wont wind up the trans if there is only one prop but dont cane around anyway
remove whats left of prop engage difflock and you can drive home unless prop has damaged a brake line or the gearbox
Thanks for the replies guys, finally got home on the back of a "a very nice mans" recovery wagon, had a look underneath and it would appear one of the UJs has shattered allowing the prop to let loose its fury and destroy the other UJ and go howling and clanging down the road! No other damage as far as I can see and luckily, I have my old Disco for parts so should be an easy fix (hopefully) Did try the difflock idea but it would appear I have no centre diff :-( Guess what I'm doing tomorrow!
The response I got off the geezer I bought it off, when I explained I was sat at the side of the A64 with a broken car having just avoided causing a multi car pile up, that I'd literally just bought off him was, "well you checked it out and said it was fine so there's nothing I need to do about it" Suffice to say< I hope for his sake I don't meet him again!
Really don't like buying cars!
Look on the bright side. As your diff lock is seized it can be accurately assumed that it has never been used so your Disco has had an easy life.
My diff lock mechanism was seized in 3 places. But my Disco's seized diff lock and easy life soon came to an end!
Also thank your lucky stars that a pedestrian wasn't by the side of your vehicle when you U/J let go.
And, yes to the last two replies, that is what I'll be doing. On the plus side, the rest of motor doesn't seem too bad :) Just hoping the propshaft off my old '94 will be the same as the newer '97 model
Look on the bright side. As your diff lock is seized it can be accurately assumed that it has never been used so your Disco has had an easy life.
My diff lock mechanism was seized in 3 places. But my Disco's seized diff lock and easy life soon came to an end!
Also thank your lucky stars that a pedestrian wasn't by the side of your vehicle when you U/J let go.
Yeah, I'm really glad it didn't flip up and hit someones car or anything when it came out of the back of mine, I guess it could have been a lot worse!
I thought some discos dont have difflock, i found this out when lookig for a transfer box for my 90.

some have the internals inside the box and no selector and other are devoid of all parts.

Not 100% as I say I only read up on it and didnt find ot 1st hand.

glad it didnt damage anything else
I thought some discos dont have difflock, i found this out when lookig for a transfer box for my 90.

some have the internals inside the box and no selector and other are devoid of all parts.

Not 100% as I say I only read up on it and didnt find ot 1st hand.

glad it didnt damage anything else
thats disco 2 which also lack any speedo mechanism
And, yes to the last two replies, that is what I'll be doing. On the plus side, the rest of motor doesn't seem too bad :) Just hoping the propshaft off my old '94 will be the same as the newer '97 model

Should be the same prop,What happened to you happened to me on the way home from work in my old 200tdi disco. Massive bang under my feet ,My prop had actually wedged itself into the undercarriage.
Stripped the propshaft off my old Disco and bolted it on the new and.....hey presto, instant smooth running car :) Plan is to replace all the bolts as soon as I can as I'm not happy reusing old bolts on somthing like that! But the main thing is its up and running and hasn't cost a fortune :)

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