
New Member
Just replaced both UJ's on the front prop and re-fitted last night, all seemed well until tonight when I went on the motorway and got above 50mph, getting really bad vibration.

When propshafts are balanced from the factory are they balanced with the UJ's on then? Because all the info I've seen on replacing UJ's never seems to mention having to have the prop re-balanced afterwards?
Just replaced both UJ's on the front prop and re-fitted last night, all seemed well until tonight when I went on the motorway and got above 50mph, getting really bad vibration.

When propshafts are balanced from the factory are they balanced with the UJ's on then? Because all the info I've seen on replacing UJ's never seems to mention having to have the prop re-balanced afterwards?

Did you split the shaft when doing the UJs ? and pit it back on same splines.

No I didn't split it, I just replaced both UJ's and greased the slider. Only thing I did which I wasn't too happy with was to use two different brands of UJ, the quality of one was much better than the other, that shouldn't make a difference though would it?

Also with doing both ends I made no reference marks and didn't worry where the grease nipples went :(
Know its a pain but if it was mine , first I would do the low quality one again , then try it out . And check that the retaining spring clips (whatever you call em) are well located in grooves of UJ.
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Are both UJs the same size. LR use two, ones a few mil smaller, it'll run off true.... Did it myself once as a get me home fix, couldn't do over 30 without massive vibrations,
the clips (whatever you call em) are well located in grooves of UJ.

circlips i believe so you werent far off buddy.

did you remove one of the balance wieghts whilst changing the uj's? and i suppose the quaestion is are you certain its prop vibration? could be front wheel balancing wieght fallen off or something daft.
Thanks for the replies. I'm certain it's the prop as it was fine immediately before I refitted it, didn't know about the size difference, only that with one UJ the need rollers were bigger and the cups felt much more substantial than the other UJ which had really thin rollers and a crappy feel to the whole thing.

Going to take the prop off again today and take it up the same bit of motorway to be sure, guess if it's OK I'm going to have to look at replacing the UJ again :(

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