
New Member
(posted this on newbies then realised that here would be a bit better)


I'm a new 'un on here, have had a 300TDi 110 stationwagon for a couple of years. About the same time as money's been haemoraging from bank account...

Anyways, there's been a lot of noise coming from under the landy recently, first sporadic, then constant. There was also usually a clunk whenever I put foot on accelartor (this has been going for a long time.

So, you lot would have already diagnosed it, I have only just worked out what it was. And it's a bit late to oil the UJ on the rear propshaft now...

Question - Is it possible just to change the UJ (the rear one in the rear shaft) or do I need a whole new shaft? Apparently the rear propshaft for the diesel 110's changed somewhere around '94, and mine is the newer version. I've taken out the circlips that I assume hold the UJ in place, but nothing happens despite careful use of a hammer. I'm half expecting one side of the joint not to budge as part of the UJ but has detached and welded itself to the 'eyes' in the shaft.

That evil clunkity clunk, Yeah the UJ's or Hardy spilcers (?) are about a fiver from Britpart, you can do it yourself but i found it fiddly. but if your on a shoestring... Good luck! ali
your problem could be the careful use of the hammer.. its fooked!! beat the **** out of it. it will fall orf at some point
Alistu - OK will have a look - a new shaft is 90 quid....
slob - that was plan B. Will have a go with various grades of hammer tomorrow...

How do Noddy. Have you paid the ransom yet.

The land rover manual tells you how to do it it's downloadable but can't remember where from now, I'll have a look.
Maybe a nice big fencing mallet? should do the trick? The joints are a tenner on ebay, item no. 280004091907, ali
Don't bother with Ebay, good quality OE UJ's available form any mail-order dealer for less than that.
Get a manual (download one or buy a Haynes) as they all have a section on replacing a UJ (one of the magazines is also covering it this month).
Silly question but you say you have removed the circlips, have you taken the prop off the vehicle yet?

Yes have taken prop off the car. And have now bashed out the UJ, and ordered a new one from Paddocks.
Sorted. No thanks to Paddocks who didn't read my delivery instructions and so I had to get a taxi to the post office, and who also sent me a 'Hardy Spicer' UJ which has 'GMB Japan' on it.

Had to assist the UJ caps in with a hammer - was very wary about the needle bearings falling out when doing it but had no choice, but it's all together and she drives like a good un.

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