We have a few already.....

In true LZ spirit - how about

or the following....


I still think you're missing the point, you drive within your vehicles capabilities.
Say you have a BMW on summer tyres, you'd be all over the place at walking pace, you drive past them in a Defender with A/Ts at 20 mph, does that make you irresponsible to be driving 4 times faster than them?
Now you're overtaken by a Fiesta with winter tyres doing 30 mph, are they irresponsible? They could still stop quicker than you even though they going faster.

I've driven to the Alps many times, a couple of times with snow on the road the whole way, passed hundreds of people struggling with summer tyres. It's not viable to run chains for hundreds of miles, so they end up crawling along, yet with the extra grip of winter tyres you can drive relatively normally albeit a lot slower than normal motorway speeds.

You mentioned cost previously, apart from the initial cost it doesn't cost any more to be safe, you're only wearing one set at a time after all. Buy your winter tyres in the spring/ summer when deals are to be had.

Entirely my point (pun intended ;))

You is still saying driving faster cos you got winter tyres is OK :rolleyes:

AND IT ISNT! Is it? cos they're no better than slicks if you hit ice FFS :rolleyes:
I do, Winter Tyres on the Landy when there's ice/snow on the ground, extreme Muds for off-road. No way would I want to be driving on ice with the MUDs on.

I change both of my road cars tyres between Summer and Winter tyres every year. Until you've tried it don't knock it.
A Ford Fiesta will go further with Winter Tyres on ice than a Defender on Muds and be a lot safer.
Know your vehicle's limitations.

The policeman whose car had slid down an ice covered road into flood water two weeks ago was happy with my vehicle's limitations when I pulled his car up the ice covered hill with my Landy shod with Mud Terrain tyres.
Our Postman here in the French countryside drives a Renault Kangoo with snow tires. He goes any where a 4X4 would go in the snow. And he doesn't hang about.
I collected the mother in-law in my Defender, she had been snowed in for several days. There was several inches of snow. The only tire marks in the snow were from the postman who managed to get up there without any problems.
There's a big difference between driving in snow and driving on black ice;)
There's a big difference between driving in snow and driving on black ice;)
Of course there is, but if I had to drive on black ice I would sooner have snow tyres. They do provide a bit more grip depending on the brand you are using. I know because I use them regularly. They are not infallible but definitely better than normal tyres
I change my tyres when the winter comes in here in the Rhone Alps.

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