Thanks for the advice.

I’ve searched the web for the last hour and can’t find a replacement gaiter, other than buying a front prop. Local stealer has confirmed the gaiter is not sold on it’s own. He did remember the kit, but they’re discontinued years ago.

I found another forum that’s discussed the same problem. They used a CV gaiter as you suggested, with hose clips either side to hold it on. I’ll have a go at doing the same. If I give it all a good clean and fill with grease it should hopefully do the job ok.
It's been tried and it pops off. Must be because the joint slides so much as the engine rocks back and to. Probably pumps up the gaiter or something.
It's been tried and it pops off. Must be because the joint slides so much as the engine rocks back and to. Probably pumps up the gaiter or something.
Shame that. I was hoping a tight hose clip would hold it. Is it going to be a problem if it doesn't get repaired? Mines split in the pic below. It does go off road and will be coated in mud/sand etc from time to time.



gator 9s3z3ni
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Whilst it might survive for a while on road I should think you'll soon feck it if you go off road. There's no harm in trying to get a standard gaiter to stay on, you might do a better job than others and be lucky. The only other alternative is a second hand front prop.
Maybe you could cut the small end from a steering rack gaiter and produce something like that. It looks like it'll allow more movement than a CV boot....
Thinking further about the hose clip unbalancing the prop… what about using 2 hose clips both ends. If the clips were fitted as a mirror pair, then the heavier screw sections would balance out better, numbing the potential for vibration?

Bit like this - just one end: <(O>)
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Sure, and use EVOSTIK on the belljoint body to help the gaiter stay put.

Don't worry about a hose-clip putting it out of balance. It won't.


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