Hi Guys, Bit of context before I get to the question about the injector pump but hopefully it will help to set the scene of where i'm trying to get to. I have recently bought a 1998 300TDI 90 Wolf FFR Remus upgrade, hard top, which was released from the MOD in March this year (2020). Its going to be a base for a project vehicle for me and my boys to do the intercontinental rally (old Paris - Dakar route) in Jan 2022 and 2024 respectivly assuming all this Covid xxxxe is done by then!! It has recently passed a full day inspection here win Jersey. I won't bore you with the details but it is virtually impossible to get ex military vehicles registered here as they don't have civilian type approval numbers but if they go through a full day test and inspection and pass they can be but its very expensive (£800) and they caution you that the vehicle will almost certainly fail so suffice to say they are pretty rare here as most people don't take the chance. The guy I bought it from only found this out when he took it down to be registered, obviously after he had bought it and shipped it over from the UK so he was kind of already pregnant and had to go through with the test and hope it passed. It turned out to be really clean. Two defects to repair which he has had done. Brake callipers and burst locks and an advisory on the clutch so when it came up for sale (poor guy runs a restaurant and is on his arse with the Covid thing) I though it was a good opportunity to pick up a very solid, very clean vehicle will loads of features that are pretty attractive for our base vehicle. Full role over cage, strengthened chassis & axles, oil cooler etc etc. It will have a full engine tune up, full suspension replacement, new wheels and tyres, strip out all the radio stuff and anything that isn't going to make it better for what we will be doing. So many god damb clips and brackets! I'm sorry! I know there will be some who are cringing at the thought of desecrating a Wolf!!
Anyhow, very prematurely, as we will be taking the engine out in due course anyway for a full overhaul, I went to fit a boost ring and boost pin to the injector pump yesterday. I have fitted them to a previous 300TDI 90 and the difference was phenomenal and so much better to drive without fiddling with any fuel settings on the pump so I thought i'd just get on with that. We will be re piping the whole engine when it goes back in with full width intercooler, VG Turbo, EGR blank, de cat and re exhaust, XL Rad, engine monitor system etc, etc. so you can seen why doing the boost ring now is perhaps a bit premature but it was on work bench and you know how it is!! Anyhow, having taken the cover off the advance piston housing (eventually) (Not the boost chamber) I saw the piston chamber had quite a bit of iron filings in there. Hmmm. Not good. Clearly something is breaking down in the pump. I'm actually glad I did it, as having now found this issue it will expedite getting the pump off, injectors out and sent off for a service/rebuild. I'm getting there now!! I was looking at service or replacement options and got to looking at part numbers. The Part number for the Wolf injector Pump is ERR 7299 (as stamped on the pump casing) and yet the civilian version is ERR4419. And so to the actual question!! Whats the difference? (apart form the cost of ERR7299 which gave me a bit of shock!!) Are the Wolfs de tuned slightly, are they fuelled differently to compensate for the loads or trailering or whatever? Which is better bearing in mind what we have planned? Im guessing ERR4419, availability, cost, repair parts etc but any thoughts would be great. Also any other thoughts on improvements we should stick on the wish list?
I would hazard a gusss as military vehicles could be asked run on any old rubbish, there is something different internally maybe to compensate for the lack of lube from sub std fuels, so a std civvy pump should work a treat.

Iirc the ony real difference between civvy inj pumps was non egr (most likely yours) egr, egr and edc (Afaik only disco had this).
I would hazard a gusss as military vehicles could be asked run on any old rubbish, there is something different internally maybe to compensate for the lack of lube from sub std fuels, so a std civvy pump should work a treat.

Iirc the ony real difference between civvy inj pumps was non egr (most likely yours) egr, egr and edc (Afaik only disco had this).
Thanks. Mine is EGR (currently) and non EDC. It has two fuel filters including a sedimenter so looks like they anticipated the crap fuel issue. In addition to that I’m now wondering if it is anything to do with fact the vehicle is FFR with a hand throttle as the engine doubled a “generator” for the radio batteries so they maybe anticipated lots of medium speed idling but I’m not sure that bothers a diesel unlike a petrol does it?
Thanks. Mine is EGR (currently) and non EDC. It has two fuel filters including a sedimenter so looks like they anticipated the crap fuel issue. In addition to that I’m now wondering if it is anything to do with fact the vehicle is FFR with a hand throttle as the engine doubled a “generator” for the radio batteries so they maybe anticipated lots of medium speed idling but I’m not sure that bothers a diesel unlike a petrol does it?

It is not so much the rpms but the load, if you run an engine at low load for a long time it will end up with glazed bores/blow like a pig and be pretty gutless on the road.

I can rememebr a few bits, and they are the 300tdi was considered EMP? proof unlike the td5, and the 300 could run on avgas, which may be where you lack of lube has come from and chewed the pumps guts up.
Thanks. I had also heard the 300tdi was consider the last of the real "Fix in the field" engines due to the lack of electronics. Since posting the question I have learnt that the 7299 and 4419 are essentially exactly the same pump. The 7299 is a later model and may have some uprated internals but the housings are identical and having spoken with a Bosch service agent who I've use before, the fuel settings are also identical. I'll be keeping the pump and sending it away together with the injectors for a Bosch rebuild and service. Interesting about the bore glazing. We are going to give the engine a full overhaul so i'll check that given it is an FFR so may have been run at idle relatively often. Thanks again

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