OK OK , i have shut my peni$ in the bonnet, can't say it has improved things entirely and my neighbour said he knew i would fcuk it as soon as he saw me taking it apart, how did he know ???:confused:o_O:D
I have decided against the 80° mod at this stage, I thought that if the poor old girl does start i need to know which fault codes are related to my timing efforts.
I do have an 88° stat that i could bolt straight in but again it doesn't have the electrical connection so that may cause other issues, blah blah, fecking rain:mad:
Is the garage roof leaking?:)
Furquing bone dry here the last few days, praying for rain to put a halt to posy combine harvester gay boys going at it all hours....all sat toooo close together probably touchin' an' stuff...
Yes i work alone and whistle made up tunes... o_O
Well rained stopped , started, stopped, torrential rain, and dry again..
My garage roof is ok but it was built in the 70's to suit a mini, I could put my garage in my RR and so been getting pi$$ed on all day, and not like one of Alan's specialist parties, I mean rain;):p.
Well I managed to get the lower timing chain cover on and one upper timing chain cover and timed the vanos cut out disc thingys.
Hopefully the sealant I used is ok, it's the proper loctite stuff but everytime i put some on a gasket face the fecking heavens opened so ended up having to leave it not torqued up, anyway, i'll be a lot quicker the second time I strip it down..
I might chuck the 88 ° stat in but might bottle it, just want to see if it will run after me pulling the guts out of it before I have to worry about what else might be going on.
Hopefully early start tomorrow and then back to work monday, lost my last 1/4 drive 10 mm socket today as well down beside the engine somewhere :mad:
Stay tuned folks:):)
Well rained stopped , started, stopped, torrential rain, and dry again..
My garage roof is ok but it was built in the 70's to suit a mini, I could put my garage in my RR and so been getting pi$$ed on all day, and not like one of Alan's specialist parties, I mean rain;):p.
Well I managed to get the lower timing chain cover on and one upper timing chain cover and timed the vanos cut out disc thingys.
Hopefully the sealant I used is ok, it's the proper loctite stuff but everytime i put some on a gasket face the fecking heavens opened so ended up having to leave it not torqued up, anyway, i'll be a lot quicker the second time I strip it down..
I might chuck the 88 ° stat in but might bottle it, just want to see if it will run after me pulling the guts out of it before I have to worry about what else might be going on.
Hopefully early start tomorrow and then back to work monday, lost my last 1/4 drive 10 mm socket today as well down beside the engine somewhere :mad:
Stay tuned folks:):)

Can you not get one of those cheap and nasty marquee things to pop over the top, maybe bridge the gap to the garage so the tools don't get wet ? ...

Oh and get a magnet on a stick thingy for those bits that hide in the engine mountings ....:oops:
I was offered a gazebo which would have been better than dodging the rain and I have a magnet on a stick and a little grabby thing but I can't actually see where it went.
I plan to build a car port beside my garage which I probably should have done before the timing chain project.:(
I was offered a gazebo which would have been better than dodging the rain and I have a magnet on a stick and a little grabby thing but I can't actually see where it went.
I plan to build a car port beside my garage which I probably should have done before the timing chain project.:(

Might have to just have a poke around some of the recesses with the mag ...

Do you have a under engine tray/cover? Might be on that ..
The cover is off and that usually catches them for me, I found the washer off of my dipstick tube by getting underneath with my mirror and searching all the potential hide outs, I'll get my bendy magnet out and have a dig around, better than going to halfrauds and buying a whole set. I've ordered a couple of spares off eBay along with step up and down adapters as I seem to have had a 3/8 drive socket fixation at some point but no 3/8 torque wrench.
Just rambling now as it's dark o clock :(
Gazebo a godsend but it does blow through the sides. I have one of those big plastic blue sheets from B&Q and a load of bungees and hooks.

Hope today goes better.
The stat will throw a "activation map cooling" fault if you go for the non electric upgrade.
The stat will throw a "activation map cooling" fault if you go for the non electric upgrade.
In theory this should be the case....

I removed my stat completely and am currently running without it.....also the electrical connection is disconnected and I have no errors showing relating to the cooling map fault....
Gazebo a godsend but it does blow through the sides. I have one of those big plastic blue sheets from B&Q and a load of bungees and hooks.

Hope today goes better.
Thanks for the support all, i had a good day today weather wise and i am 90% back together which then means the inevitable moment of turning the key and finding out if I am stripping it back down again.
My main concerns are oil leaks as a couple of times yesterday I had put sealant on and got as far as nipping the bolts up on the bottom cover and the heavens opened although hopefully be ok and I am not convinced I managed to get my top timing covers clamped down enough using my old cam covers to push them down but i will see.
My biggest worry is the cam timing as this was a bit hit and miss with the locking blocks i was using as they have had a bit of abuse, basically any issue will be down to my own hand and I will know better next time......:eek:

Now I know some of you are going to be cross but I gave my friend who powder coated my cam covers a bit of poetic licence as to what colour he chose, and as they were free, he put them through with some cosworth covers he was doing and so the colour may not be ever so traditional so please let me know my sentence, although I like them as i am a cosworth fan also.... take cover!!;)
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My Dad has an MF35 and I used to drive a 35 and 135 and also an old grey Ferguson 35 that I used to drive 35 years ago and I found out at a ploughing match last week that my mate who I used to work with found it and bought it back.:):)
Now they are vehicles you can rely on!
Andy, if you can get to LHR tomorrow you can borrow my timing blocks to double check cam position if you are worried. Mine are unused and fresh so no wear on the locks at all..

How bad are the wear marks and how far out do you reckon they are?

A smidge, wont kill the engine, just run a little 'off', as long as they aren't 'way out' it will run just not be happy.
Thanks Ant, it seems my fears were unfounded but it scared the living $hite out of me.
First turn of the key all i got was click and the battery was fine so i tuned it over by hand and it was free and then realised the main battery cable wasn't connected to the jumping connection.
Then I was expecting the crank without start but it fired up straight away and got the clatter I was expecting as the 3 tensioners filled with oil and it was lumpy as hell and i had a horrible screeching noise so i stopped it again and realised I hadn't tightened the AC belt correctly, and then tried again and it still sounded crap and then realised i hadn't tightened the ancillary belt properly either and then another horrible noise and the AC belt wasn't running in the grooves properly, talk about a bag of nerves !!
I still had lumpy idle so i connected up the faultmate and there was a heated thermostat warning although i hadn't done the mod and a few other o2 sensor faults but nothing timing related so i cleared all those and it started and sounded great:D
I let it get fully up to temperature and bled the air out of the system and also checked the oil and left it on idle and took it for a slow spin around the block and it seems really good.
I had a small leak from my drain plug that i helicoiled so i gave that a nip to crush the copper washer and my idle is fast at 1000 rpm which is normally to do with a low battery but i will see, the slow idle will be the test but so far i am very relieved as i honestly thought i had fooked it this morning :):)
Thanks all
Waaaay Haaay !!!! RESULT !!!!!!!

You should be very proud of doing that. VERY proud indeed. :) :) :) I know I would be!

As Uncle Benny Said * - "Bl**dy Marvellous" ( from one of the Lethal Weapon films ;) )

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