But they say"i posted on that landy zone, no help" and tell their mates. They get no help cos no forum member cept me go there. What's it for? What does it do apart from confuse newbs?
@RangeRoller dt Now answers em too but I see he has as much luck as me.
Profile posts are a massive waste of time and a hindrance to the thicker new members.
members are failing to get help and slipping through the net, predominantly newbs but not all Freelanderers.

The only people that are likely to read your status are people storking following you, me, Goonarmy or Shim.
Many newbs think status bar is how to post on here, and only last 5 slots you can view. You get small chance to redirect them before they are lost for good.

When I noticed I asked @Hippo what could be done as he takes intros being missed rather seriously. He said it had been mentioned before and that if I thought I could help I should, so I do.
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I disabled my profile post thing as I dun't know whats it's for. I assume it's so yer can have a chat board of yer own to comment on, and talk to others, with you as the center of attention with regards to topic. The theory being it stays on topic, which is around talking with said owner of the chat board. My first reason fer disabling it was because I prefer to use the main forums fer posting/talking. The second reason fer disabling mine is because it would be full of abuse. :p

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