weeee man

New Member
i can start threads but when try and add comments to them after it has started, it keeps asking me to log on even tho i am logged on?? help some 1. as it seriously doin my head in lol:violent:
i can start threads but when try and add comments to them after it has started, it keeps asking me to log on even tho i am logged on?? help some 1. as it seriously doin my head in lol:violent:

I'm having a similar problem, although I am logged in if I have not viewed pages for a long period of time when I do try to go back onto Lz it has logged me out. I sent a post to the mods the other day but no reply as yet.

I'm having a similar problem, although I am logged in if I have not viewed pages for a long period of time when I do try to go back onto Lz it has logged me out. I sent a post to the mods the other day but no reply as yet.


the forum automatically logs you off when you is inactive for a long time. :D
I'm having a similar problem, although I am logged in if I have not viewed pages for a long period of time when I do try to go back onto Lz it has logged me out. I sent a post to the mods the other day but no reply as yet.


Which mods?
I sent a pm to Roy about 10 days ago after speaking to Ratty...still haven't heard back..reckon he's busy topping his tan up.
Site wasn't accepting furrin platic for a while Mr Sirus...looks like its sorted...and since when is it paypal only? Doesn't that prevent a few immigrants from sending money back to the UK?
thought it was squirrel pie and family orgies up in redneck county ?:D:D:D:D

At least I don't need to go into hiding when xmas comes up unlike yerself. We wouldn't want anyone mistaking you for a duck and shooting you yer web footed inbred.:rolleyes::p:p:p

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