
New Member
Hi all dont know if this is the right section but, I have just bought a 90 2.5 petrol land rover, it was running a little jerky and starting badly, i.e. 2 or 3 goes, now it was low on petrol, but not empty, i stopped parked up came back an hour or so later tried to start it but it wont go, i checked all the spark plug and the top is broken / missing, the metal cap bit, is this the cause of my problem? I have put 10 litres of petrol in, it turns over on the starter and battery, but will not catch and start, any ideas? Cheers.
first thing you wanna do is check if you do indeed have a spark. take the HT lead off the dizzy and hold it near to the engine, a couple of mm should be fine. now while keeping yer arms and legs away from anything that turns ,fan etc get someone to turn the engine over for you. you should get a nice big fat blue spark. do this then come back for more.
aye, if theres no spark, then check points, condensor and rotor arm. then the coil. poss ht leads breaking down.
also check that petrol is actually getting to the carb.
(you can normally smell it if presssing the gogo pedal a few times).
thanks for the help so far, petrol is getting to the carb, there is a spark from the ht lead when i do as slob advised, what and where are the points, (stupid i know but check the name!) condenser and rotor arm and how and what do I check? cheers.
as youve got a spark you shouldnt need to check the other items.
it should start now!

check the spark plugs. take them out and check. replace if suspect.
you need to check yer points are ok.. you can still get a spark with duff points.. check the faces aren't pitted and that the gap is set correctly ..next lesson will be how to set yer timing using yer ear.
check number one plug lead first. only if no spark, then check the main coil ht lead.
btw. im assuming you have a nice big fat blue spark? if its weak then do as Slob says.
i think he's already check the main HT lead..thats where he got his spark from but he don't say if its big and fat. or weak
well its a spark about 1-2 mm thick, coming from the main ht lead to the engine body when I try that, i will check the points, also, is it a carbon brush from the main ht to the rotary arm? and should that be just a brass arm, no carbon on it or anything?
aye the rotor arm should be nice and clean brass color. now check the number one spark plug lead. if its duff then we can deduce the problem is inside the disi cap.

has your rotor arm got a resistor in it?
seems like the contacts for the rotor arm in the cap are pitted, the leads test for continuity, however it is quite a high reading any ideas as to what they should read? I am getting 5k ohms approx. each lead is similar, but the different lengths add a few ohms.
you cant test them like that, if they are the carbon ones they break down at high voltage. ie 24000v.
ya fooking can.. there is a set resistance for a given length of HT lead but i'll be bollox if i can remember it.. sort yer points out clean up yer cap then time the fooker.
aye theres a set restistance figure for a new lead. it means balls all for an old one. ive had them pass the test and yet they look like bonfire night in the dark under the bonnet.
Well thanks for all the help lads, I had a mechanic out to it while I was a work and he has fixed it, it was the ignition rocker switch missing a position, again cheers for the help.

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