
New Member
I have been told that my Freelander apparently has no EKA code.

I am currently trying to programme a new key to my car (the one and only original key was lost) and have now been told that because this car doesn't have an EKA code this will probably mean T4 testbook will not be able to read or programme the key.

I have been told:
If my car has no EKA this means the new key will not be able to be read by the ECU.
The EKA code (or rather lack of it in this case) usually indicates the type of immobiliser system the car has.
This problem has something to do with it being a BMW system (how would I know if it is this type of system or not)?

Does anyone know if this is correct please? If you look at my other thread you will see how long I have been trying to resolve this issue. I thought I was getting close to resolving it and now I have been told this by an auto electrician.

Can anyone help please? Is anyone out there familiar enough with T4 testbook and EKA codes to advise me?



Sorry to hear of your tale of woe.

Have a read of this and if necesary show it to someone who is locally versed with diagnostics if it goes over your head. From what I see, and I have a fair amount of diagnostic knowledge...mostly on the P38 and just starting to get my head around the F/L systems, the EKA cannot be read from the CCU if it has been setto "2"which is the UK.It may be read if the CCU is set to the original "0" (Factory setting).I can't see why it should not be possible to change the setting from "2" to "0" the EKA and then change it back to "2" followed by the "Plip learn process".
I have the CCU software but unfortunately live in North West Wales which is a long way from you, otherwise I would be more than happy to try and help.
Here is the information which may be of interest:
Further to my above post....Send me a PM with your email address and I will mail a copy of my own CCU print out which shows both my EKA and Master EKA codes to you which may be of help.
I am having problems attaching a file to this post.
The type of Immobiliser system fitted depends on the year of manufacture, EWS 3D system Year 2001-2003 and SAWDOC from 2003 onwards.
The engine EMS code for the TD4 ECU can be re taught to the immobiliser with software and provided the keys and plips match the body control EKA and have also been programmed everything should be fine.
As a last resort, you could get an ECU set together with matching keys, plips and lock barrels from the same version F/L as your own...e.g.TD4, FL1 and do a straight swap over. From a cost point of view this may be cheaper than 2 new keys & plips + programming by a stealer/independant. Have a look on Ebay. "Gentlemen of Salvage" and "Cheapest Parts" come to mind.
Hope this helps :)
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Further to my above post....Send me a PM with your email address and I will mail a copy of my own CCU print out which shows both my EKA and Master EKA codes to you which may be of help.
I am having problems attaching a file to this post.
The type of Immobiliser system fitted depends on the year of manufacture, EWS 3D system Year 2001-2003 and SAWDOC from 2003 onwards.
The engine EMS code for the TD4 ECU can be re taught to the immobiliser with software and provided the keys and plips match the body control EKA and have also been programmed everything should be fine.
As a last resort, you could get an ECU set together with matching keys, plips and lock barrels from the same version F/L as your own...e.g.TD4, FL1 and do a straight swap over. From a cost point of view this may be cheaper than 2 new keys & plips + programming by a stealer/independant. Have a look on Ebay. "Gentlemen of Salvage" and "Cheapest Parts" come to mind.
Hope this helps :)

just an idea would an autologic be a better system than the testbook

feel so sorry for debs in how the main dealer has messed her around knowend

with debs buying a new key and fob from them then saying she needs a new ecu and lockset

really feel for u debs and get it sorted out

just a thought I've got a hawkeye , would it be able to read what the eka code is
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don't know of this would be any-good

these companies will program ur sawdoc ecu to a transponder that will start the car

have to post it to them

that's if im reading it right

SAWDOC YWC000960 YWC-000960 Immobiliser Key Transponder Production Service : ECU Decode - ECU Repairs, Unlocks, Cloning, Immobiliser Bypass Tel 01373 302412

but this company is in Norwich and so a mobile service , might be worth a shot ????
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There is no EKA code for FreelAnder from 2001MY onwards. Therefore this statement is irrelevant.

Using T4 then it is possible to add your new key to the car and enable it to start. As the keys are pre programmed to match your car then all that needs to happen in essence is for it to be enabled in the immobiliser so that it works.
Blackbox (Faultmate/Rovacom) is the system I use and it leaves Test Book/T4 standing. I definately have the EKA and Master EKA showing on the print out for my car.

Gstuart -
unfortunately the company on the SAWDOC link are shut until 15 October and the Norwich locksmith in your other link is currently on holiday. Thanks for the information.
Brack -
Thanks, there is definitely no EKA for the car
TD4van/Irishrover -
I wish the people I was speaking to locally knew as much about the software they are using as you seem to. Everyone near me is humming and hawing, not sure what (if anything) will work.

I feel like I am in the twilight zone. How hard can this really be? I am being told it is a very unusual situation and that they have never dealt with it before!

hi debs

just can't believe ur having to deal with such idiots

it looks as though the links i provided are the type of people u need

unless of course u find another one local

not being rude but u need to search for

transponder programming for a sawdoc ecu

don't worry about the key fob yet unless they can do it at the same time , as if u can get the key programmed and started can sort out that later

hope that's not telling u how to suck eggs

shame u can't show ur dealer the website link and saying u don't need a new ecu nor a lockset

did u manage to get hold of any other Land Rover dealers near u as they are part of the hunters group

with regards to it's an unusual situation is the biggest load of b,,,,,,,,, in all my life and their talking out there backsides

will be great to see how u get on
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