
As title really. Range Rover V8 auto (93)
Had a few strange problem on way home yesterday whilst on the motorway. I have a strange sort or rotating/running/rumbling noise when i lift of the throttle a bit, does not seem to be there if i lift completely and it is not there whilst accelerating. i can sort of feel it on the pedals as well. It started to happen more and more as we were coming home, at first i could replicate the noise/feel easily at between 60/65 but the further we went the more it done it at differing speeds. I came of the motorway on to the A249 and was traveling at about 40 ish just before the speed camera i was trying to see if it was there at lower speeds when suddenly i got a lot of smoke out of the make and the whole thing started to run worse, it got up the hill OK but was feeling very strange. I limped her home (4 miles) and figured something serious had broke. Looked underneath and could not really see anything as everything was covered in mud but what i did noticed was fluid over the gearbox.

Today i decided i better have a good look. I got underneath and there seemed to be ATF fluid all over the gearbox sump and the whole of the tube for the dip stick seemed to be wet too. Now considering the whole engine bay was brown from the mud earlier i think this has happened on the way home. I gave it all a clean up and took it round the block. She seems to be running fine but i can still get the noise at between 60 and 65 when i lift the throttle a bit. The levels all seemed to be fine this morning before i went out and i can not see any more leaks since i cleaned everything down. The only other strange thing was when i got back and selected reverse to put her on the drive the engine died, she started back up straight away and i was able to move her back and forth without any problems and without it dying again.

OK, lets start at the beginning..... how did the engine bay and under-floor get covered in mud? And how long was that before 'the problem'?
Initial thought, which from details may be WILDLY skew, is that you've gone mudding, got a breather blocked, pressure has built up behind the blockage, gone 'pop' sprayed oil / ATF or whatever over teh zorsts causing all teh smoke, but essentially cleared itself, apart, perhaps from leaving fluid levels low......
Start by cleaning the mud off..................

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