
New Member

Just wondering if anyone had similiar problems. I have a 1997 P38 Range Rover with LPG conversion on it.

Sometimes when I fill up, it will only fill up £0.75 and then act as though it is full, despite being on an empty(or near) tank.

Other times when I connect it, it allows me to fill the whole tank up.

Is it not properly connected? When you push it in, twist and pull back the lever does it need to finish on the 9 O'Clock position? Or should it finish in the 3 O'Clock position?

Its a bit of a pain in the arse because my nearest filling station are both 14 miles away, so its a 28 mile trip there and back just to get fuel!
On the '93 Classic I had, the finishing point of the turn depended on how I put the nozzle on....

It only turned 1/4 turn so if when put on the handle was at 6 o'clock , it would tighten to 9 o'clock...if the handle was at 12 o'clock it would tighten to 3 o'clock....

As to why it doesn't fill correctly, could be the nozzle isn't engaged properly, ther eis a blockage, or (and I have noticed this sometimes) if the petrol station LPG Tank is getting close to empty or the pump is old and tired, it wouldn't fill very well as it has to overcome the vehicle tank pressure to force new gas in, so if it hasn't got enough pressure to open the filler valve.....

You say it is intermittant...sometimes the fill goes well and sometimes not...maybe your vehicle is fine and there is lack of pressure at the station due to almost empty LPG tank on the days you appear to have trouble....
Suffered that when i went to England years ago, that and not having the LPG adapter on the 1st day ;(
Ah good good. So it doesnt matter if its 12 or 6 oclock initially and just so the prongs line up and then twists roughly 90 degrees clockwise.

I swear I did that last time, must be a problem with the pump as you say. Will try different pumps on the other side next time.

Im going to a new station tomorrow at lunch to fill up and see if its any easier. Such a ballache filling up. Whenever I speak to other people using LPG they all say the same.

I read that you have to twist the nozzle (after the rubber guard) fully anti clockwise before you push it in.
there is a valve in the tank that will not allow you to fill the tank more than 80% of the water capacity of the tank this valve could be sticking and you are only filling up the pipe that goes from the filler to the tank. all valves should be changed and the tank pressure tested every 10 years.
I seem to have the same problem on one of the tanks on the Disco how would you remove/repair/replace the valve its on underslung tanks
I fixed the problem by using a different Autogas station. They have the pump with the safety clip. Using the instructions in this thread really helped me so thanks.

Filled up around 4 times since and never had a problem, so big thank you! :)
I tried to fill up in wilmslow last week and couldn't get any in it. The attendant wasn't interested. I found another auto gas station and it filled up no problem. The attendant at the second place said the nozzle had to be started at 12 o'clock and rotated clockwise 90 degrees to work properly.

the first tome i tried it i suffered from a massive freeze burn.. i didn't read the instructions on the pump

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