
New Member
Hi Guys,
I've recently done a complete overhaul of the brakes on the land rover, and now its come to bleeding the system and I cant get any air or fluid to come out of the rear bleed nipples. I've tried using one of those pressurised one man systems, and spent ages pumping at the brake peddle but still no joy. I'm pretty sure the rear brakes were moving before I did the overhaul and I haven't changed the rear brake pipes, so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what has happened or if I've done something wrong?
Many thanks
Get your self a pressurised bleeder there only about £20 read instructions tho only a small amount of pressure needed.:)
Ps if its pressurised you don't push the pedal.
If its a one way bleed hose then you use the pedal that's the one man type :)
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Release pedal tap master cylinder
Press pedal to bleed


Also valve in brake line do play up
Try working your way back along the brake pipes splitting them at connections to see if you can get fluid to leak out. Doing this will show if there is a blockage or an airlock. Once you have fluid you can then work back to the nipples. There is a chance that there is a wee bit of swear for muck blocking a pipe.

Either that or the nipples are dodgy or not being opened far enough.

try bleeding at rear take off at master cylinder ,slacken nut press pedal down and hold ,tighten nut let pedal up ,repeat till fluid flows then bleed at rear ,nipples need to be checked they are not blocked by removing them ,it may help to put a pipe on a front nipple and slacken it too till you get some fluid at rear
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I had huge success also with mine by back bleeding.
buy a large plastic doctors syringe and attach a tube, suck up some dot 4 and attach to bleed nipple-undo brake fluid reservoir lid and suck a syringe full out-then slowly squirt your syringe attached to bleed nipple. it will fill reservoir..repeat if necessary.
Also you could compressing the pistons in the slave cylinders with a g clamp to try to push air back to the master cylinder.
" I hate bleeding Land Rover brakes" Always lots of posts on here so have I been lucky over the years ? Never had a problem and always a "good peddle"
" I hate bleeding Land Rover brakes" Always lots of posts on here so have I been lucky over the years ? Never had a problem and always a "good peddle"

Maybe you have a good technique. I've never had a problem cos if normal bleeding isn't working the I try something different like the techniques mentioned so far.

My mate was bleeding brakes on a guzzi using the pump then crack the nipple method. Spent days and loads of bottles of fluid. Starting saying the bike/brakes were ****. I had a go at pushing te pistons back and we got a firm lever within 10 mins.
Never had a problem with a bike either. I change the fluid once a year on my Yamaha Diversion and always firms up nicely. Its got 128000+ miles on now so does get used.
" I hate bleeding Land Rover brakes" Always lots of posts on here so have I been lucky over the years ? Never had a problem and always a "good peddle"
Never had many problems either,[ series or defender] I like the wait and see method, fill the reservore then remove a bleed nipple and wait, only a minute or two is normal ,takes longer if system is empty [no pumping] when fluid reaches slave replace nipple and check for air free flow and shut. :D
I've had plenty of problems in the past with a LWB. Mine had a shuttle valve, which stuck. The reverse bleeding described here would be a way to get it moving.
hi guys, thanks for all the replies and the advice, I worked back up the pipe line from the rear and found that the rear jump hose was blocked, so I replaced that and now it works a treat, thanks again :)

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